Events and Seminars

Event:The Analyst’s Vulnerability
Duration:1pm - 5pm BST / 9 am - 1pm EDT
Extra Info:This presentation explores the relationship between the analyst's early experiences and how the resulting guilt, shame, passivity, and conflict avoidance impact both our preferred theories and clinical choices. The vulnerabilities that we carry into our adult lives also include a need to rescue and be rescued, an excessive fear of doing harm, and an outsized sense of responsibility for others' feelings and well-being. We also tend to deny that our own needs are regularly met in the course of doing treatment, often resulting in an emphasis on self-sacrifice. Dr. Maroda addresses the controversies surrounding enactment and self-disclosure, linking them to the aforementioned personality characteristics of therapists, as well as the tendency to infantilize our patients in an attempt to be the perfect mother that we never had or could be. Illustrated with many clinical examples, she advocates for a more active therapeutic approach that acknowledges the patient as an adult collaborator and focuses on affective engagement throughout the treatment. Participants are encouraged to bring their own clinical experiences to the discussion that will take place throughout the presentation.
Organised By:The New Jersey Institute for Training in Psychoanalysis
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