Events and Seminars

Event:Sexuality, Excess and Representation - Male Sexuality and Paternal Function
Duration:3-5pm GMT / 9-11am EST
Extra Info:An online course by Rosine Jozef Perelberg
In the forth seminar we will examine the notion of paternal function in psychoanalysis and explore the crucial relevance of the paternal function to the understanding of different types of psychopathologies, from violence to psychosis.
The notion of paternal function has been largely ignored in contemporary British object relations theory that has focussed on the mother-infant relationship. The theme of the killing of the father, however, permeates Freud’s writings. He oscillated between different types of interpretations, on the one hand viewing it as a real event that took place in the distant past and was then repressed, on the other regarding the “event” as a myth. A paradox is thus presented: the killing of the father is, in Freud’s view, a requirement for the creation of the social order that, from then on, prohibits all killings. The father, however, has only to be killed metaphorically: the actual exclusion of the father lies at the origin of so many psychopathologies, ranging from violence to the psychoses and perversions.
The notion of paternal function will be also explored for the understanding of political systems and social events.
Organised By:Free Association Lisbon
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