Events and Seminars

Event:Managing Your ‘Self’: A Workshop for Therapists
Duration:10:00 – 12:00 GMT
Extra Info:In this workshop Linda Gask will explore what it means to experience to your own mental health problems when you are working as a therapist. How do we manage our ‘selves’ when working with the problems of others? What are the potential risks to the work we are doing with clients and patients and how do we mitigate these? What are the potential benefits, if any? When and how should we seek help? What should we reveal to clients and colleagues?

We will work together as a large group, and in smaller breakout groups for part of the time, sharing our own experiences, and drawing broader lessons about ways of coping with our own difficulties whilst at the same time trying to help others.
Organised By:Wimbledon Guild Counselling Training
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