Mercedes Pavlicevic

Mercedes Pavlicevic completed the Nordoff Robbins London training in 1981, and her doctoral studies in Music Therapy Improvisation at the Department of Psychology with Colwyn Trevarthen in 1991. As a music therapist she has worked in a range of institutional and community settings, in Scotland, in the Lebanon and in South Africa. Mercedes co-instituted and was Director of the Master's Music Therapy programme at the University of Pretoria until 2006 - this was the first accredited training programme on the African Continent. She has authored, co-authored and edited numerous music therapy publications. She is currently Research Director at Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy, and Research Associate at SOAS Music Department, at the University of London.

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Music Therapy: Intimate Notes

Music Therapy: Intimate Notes

by Mercedes Pavlicevic

  • Print £27.99

This introduction to music therapy shows the range of its possibilities in different settings. It provides an informal theoretical foundation for music therapy, and for connecting music to our... (more)

Beginning Research in the Arts Therapies: A Practical Guide

Beginning Research in the Arts Therapies: A Practical Guide

by Gary Ansdell, Mercedes Pavlicevic

  • Print £26.99

This guide to beginning a research project in the arts therapies, be it for an MA dissertation or a report, tackles various aspects from writing an initial funding proposal and finding a title, to... (more)

A Guide to Evaluation for Arts Therapists and Arts and Health Practitioners

A Guide to Evaluation for Arts Therapists and Arts and Health Practitioners

by Giorgos Tsiris, Mercedes Pavlicevic

  • Paperback £19.99

Evaluation has become a crucial tool in the development of arts and health and arts therapy professions. This guide provides foundational frameworks for designing, planning and implementing bespoke... (more)

A Guide to Research Ethics for Arts Therapists and Arts and Health Practitioners

A Guide to Research Ethics for Arts Therapists and Arts and Health Practitioners

by Giorgos Tsiris, Mercedes Pavlicevic

  • Paperback £17.99

This practical guide aims to inspire ethically-aware practitioners to become ethically-aware researchers, evaluators and participants. Conducting a research project, whatever the setting, requires... (more)

Groups in Music: Strategies from Music Therapy

Groups in Music: Strategies from Music Therapy

by Mercedes Pavlicevic

  • Paperback £21.99

In recent years there has been increasing interest in the implementation of group music therapy. Literature to analyse, guide and further this practice is long overdue, so in this book Mercédès... (more)

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