Susan Long

Susan Long supervises research students and conducts organisational research at a variety of universities including INSEAD in Singapore, MEICAT, University of Melbourne, University of Divinity in Melbourne and Crossfields. As an organisational consultant in private practice she works with organisational change, executive coaching, board development, role analysis, team development and management training. She originally trained as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist. Her experience of working with people as individuals and in groups and organisations gives her a broad perspective on management practices.

Susan’s capacity as a teacher and organizational consultant/ researcher has led her to be invited onto the boards of prestigious organizations and elected onto the committees of professional bodies. She is a Faculty Member in the Grubb School of Organisational Analysis. She is a member of the Board of the Judicial College of Victoria and of Comcare’s advisory board for the Center of Excellence for Research into Mental Health at Work. She was the founding President of Group Relations Australia and a past president of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organisations. Her participative action research has attracted grants through the Australian research Council and industry. She has published six books and many journal articles.

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Showing 1 to 6 of 6 items
The Perverse Organisation and its Deadly Sins

The Perverse Organisation and its Deadly Sins

by Susan Long

  • Paperback £35.99

There is evidence of a movement from 'a culture of narcissism' toward elements of a perverse culture. This book brings forth and examines the evidence as it reveals itself through one of the major... (more)

Transforming Experience in Organisations: A Framework for Organisational Research and Consultancy

Transforming Experience in Organisations: A Framework for Organisational Research and Consultancy

Edited by Susan Long

  • Paperback £35.99

This book explores a theoretical model – the Transforming Experience Framework (TEF) - used to understand the complexities and ambiguities of experience within organisational life. The TEF explores... (more)

Social Dreaming: Philosophy, Research, Theory and Practice

Social Dreaming: Philosophy, Research, Theory and Practice

Edited by Susan Long, Julian Manley

  • Paperback £34.03 (RRP : £36.99 save £2.96)

The idea of social dreaming argues that dreams are relevant to the wider social sphere and have a collective resonance that goes beyond the personal narrative.

In this fascinating collection,... (more)

The Evolution of the Unconscious: Exploring Persons, Groups, Nature and Spirit

The Evolution of the Unconscious: Exploring Persons, Groups, Nature and Spirit

by Susan Long

  • Paperback £32.99

Drawing on over four decades of professional and academic experience, Susan Long explores how the concept of the unconscious has evolved from the 19th to the 21st century, showing that it is more... (more)

Socioanalytic Methods: Discovering the Hidden in Organisations and Social Systems

Socioanalytic Methods: Discovering the Hidden in Organisations and Social Systems

Edited by Susan Long

  • Paperback £42.99

Socioanalysis is the study of groups, organisations, and society using a systems psychoanalytic framework: looking beneath the surface (and the obvious) to see the underlying dynamics and how these... (more)

Coaching in Depth: The Organizational Role Analysis Approach

Coaching in Depth: The Organizational Role Analysis Approach

Edited by John Newton, Burkard Sievers

  • Paperback £29.99

Coaching In Depth introduces the reader to the management consultancy technique of Organizational Role Analysis (ORA); a technique with the immensely practical purpose of helping managers to stay “in... (more)

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