Eve Watson works in Dublin as a psychoanalytic practitioner, clinical supervisor and academic. She is involved in teaching and training in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and teacher education. She writes on psychoanalysis, sexuality studies, critical psychology, poetics, film and critical theory.
This thorough text provides a complete overview of the drive in Lacanian psychoanalysis.
Divided into four key areas, the book considers clinical, theoretical, historical, and cultural aspects... (more)
Marlene ffrench Mullen - 1916 Diary Extracts
Marlene ffrench Mullen - The Bubbling Has Not Yet Subsided: An Introduction to the Diaries of Marlene ffrench Mullen and the Rising of the... (more)
Issue 15 (December 2017) of Lacunae has a host of articles on Kant, interpretation, the “selfie," a case of psychosis, the Wolfman, transsexuality and Gender Identity Disorder, plus two book reviews... (more)
Freud’s Principal Case Studies Revisited explores Freud’s six principal case studies studies - Dora, Little Hans, Schreber, Wolf Man, Rat Man and Young Homosexual Girl - through the lens of... (more)