The Routledge Handbook of Psychoanalysis in the Social Sciences and Humanities

Editor : Anthony Elliott, Editor : Jeffrey Prager

The Routledge Handbook of Psychoanalysis in the Social Sciences and Humanities

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2016
  • Cover : Hardback
  • Pages : 494
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 39231
  • ISBN 13 : 9780415626927
  • ISBN 10 : 0415626927

Also by Anthony Elliott

Freud 2000

Freud 2000

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Also by Jeffrey Prager

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The Routledge Handbook of Psychoanalysis in the Social Sciences and Humanities provides a comprehensive, critical overview of the historical, theoretical and applied forms of psychoanalytical criticism. This path-breaking Handbook offers students new ways of understanding the powers and limits of psychoanalysis, and of the social, cultural and political possibilities of psychoanalytic critique. The book offers students and professionals clear and concise chapters on the development of psychoanalysis, introducing key theories that have influenced debates over the psyche, desire and emotion in the social sciences and humanities. There are substantive chapters on classical Freudian theory, Kleinian and Bionian theory, object-relations psychoanalysis, Lacanian and post-Lacanian approaches, feminist psychoanalysis, as well as postmodern trends in psychoanalysis. There is a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches to psychoanalytic critique, with contributions drawing from developments in sociology, politics, history, cultural studies, women's studies and architecture.

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