The Mind Movement: Integrating Body, Breath and Movement

Author(s) : Lorna Evans

The Mind Movement: Integrating Body, Breath and Movement

Book Details

  • Publisher : Karnac Books
  • Published : March 2025
  • Pages : 192
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
    Individual Psychotherapy
  • Catalogue No : 97765
  • ISBN 13 : 9781912691128
  • ISBN 10 : 1912691124
RRP : £19.99
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The Mind Movement consists of two main areas of social change: 1) a social movement for individuals to talk about and learn to take accountability for their mental health, and 2) motivating people to move and exercise. The book aims to bring together ideas, theory and practical tools that are accessible and highlight the overlap and connections in thinking to support clinical practice.

The Mind Movement: Integrating Body, Breath and Movement illuminates the process of working with the body, breath and movement in therapy. The purpose is to give mental health practitioners the confidence to notice moments where they can integrate these tools creatively into their current clinical practice, in person and online.

Presenting both psychoanalytic theory and practical tools offers a deeper understanding of the science behind working with body, breath, and movement. This will support practitioners to begin sharing the wisdom of neuroscience, the autonomic nervous system, and vagus nerve with their clients. The aim of the book is to stimulate new conversations and reiterate the deep connection between mind and body.

About the Author(s)

Lorna Evans is a UKCP-registered psychotherapist and trainer with an MSc in body awareness and psychotherapy. She proudly integrates psychotherapy and the body, focusing on movement and breath as healing tools for trauma, anxiety, and depression. Lorna has been in private practice for many years, previously working in primary care for the NHS and Mind.

Lorna is exceptionally proud to teach trauma-informed yoga and be constantly learning from the students of ReCoCo (NHS Recovery College), Crisis UK, Changing Lives, Mind, and many other trauma survivor groups and charities across the UK. She has collaborated on books, documentaries, and projects with The Guardian, the Samaritans, Psychologies magazine, MTV, BBC, and SKY. She also works as a media spokesperson for the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)

Lorna’s YouTube channel, The Mind Movement, provides positive psychoeducational content and spreads awareness about the importance of trauma-informed practices involving the body, breath, and movement to improve and maintain mental well-being. Subscribe to the channel, and, if you wish, join Lorna for some yoga.

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