The Miller Method: Developing the Capacities of Children on the Autism Spectrum

Author(s) : Arnold Miller, Author(s) : Kristina Chretien

The Miller Method: Developing the Capacities of Children on the Autism Spectrum

Book Details

  • Publisher : Jessica Kingsley
  • Published : 2007
  • Category :
    Autism and Aspergers
  • Catalogue No : 24886
  • ISBN 13 : 9781843107224
  • ISBN 10 : 1843107228
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This informative and practical guide to the Miller Method presents an entirely new perspective on advancing the social and communicative skills of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. Taking a cognitive developmental approach that actively and dynamically engages children with objects and events, the authors argue that these children learn more effectively when their entire bodies are actively and repetitively involved in the process, as opposed to a more traditional approach which maintains children must learn to sit at a desk or table quietly before it is possible to teach them. Chapters outline the underlying principles of the Miller Method[registered] and its practical application, and cover major issues such as communication skills, and social play, and day-to-day behavioural issues, including aggression, eating issues and toilet training. A chapter on research outcome demonstrates the efficacy of the method in practice. This practical resource is essential reading for parents and professionals living and working with children with ASDs.

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