The Great Mother: An Analysis of the Archetype

Book Details
- Publisher : Princeton University Press
- Published : 2015
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 432
- Category :
Jung and Analytical Psychology - Catalogue No : 37405
- ISBN 13 : 9780691166070
- ISBN 10 : 0691166072
Also by Erich Neumann
Also by Martin Liebscher
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This landmark book explores the Great Mother as a primordial image of the human psyche. Here the renowned analytical psychologist Erich Neumann draws on ritual, mythology, art, and records of dreams and fantasies to examine how this archetype has been outwardly expressed in many cultures and periods since prehistory. He shows how the feminine has been represented as goddess, monster, gate, pillar, tree, moon, sun, vessel, and every animal from snakes to birds.
Neumann discerns a universal experience of the maternal as both nurturing and fearsome, an experience rooted in the dialectical relation of growing consciousness, symbolized by the child, to the unconscious and the unknown, symbolized by the Great Mother. Featuring a new foreword by Martin Liebscher, this Princeton Classics edition of The Great Mother introduces a new generation of readers to this profound and enduring work.
About the Author(s)
Erich Neumann, one of C.G. Jung's pupils, was among the most creative in building on Jung's work and carrying it forward in new explorations and syntheses. Before he met Jung he was trained in philosophy and medicine. He was also a poet and novelist. A native of Germany, he completed his medicinal studies in Berlin but, owing to the activities of the Nazis, left Germany in 1934 and, after studying with Jung in Zurich, emigrated to Tel Aviv. His range of understanding is apparent in his writings of which the major works have been translated into English. These include: The Great Mother; Art and the Creative Unconscious; Depth Psychology and a New Ethic and The Child: Structure and Dynamics of the Nascent Personality.
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