Shamans Mystics & Doctors

Author(s) : Sudhir Kakar

Shamans Mystics & Doctors

Book Details

  • Publisher : Baker & Taylor
  • Published : 1990
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Category :
    Culture and Psychoanalysis
  • Catalogue No : 4506
  • ISBN 13 : 9780226422794
  • ISBN 10 : 0226422798
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'Sudhir Kakar, a psychoanalyst and scholar, brilliantly illuminates the ancient healing traditions of India embodied in the rituals of shamans, the teachings of gurus, and the precepts of the school of medicine known as Ayurveda. With extraordinary sympathy, open-mindedness, and insight Sudhir Kakar has drawn from both his Eastern and Western backgrounds to show how the gulf that divides native healer from Western psychiatrist can be spanned.'

- Rosemary Dinnage, New York Review of Books

'Each chapter describes the geographical and cultural context within which the healers work, their unique approach to healing mental illness, and . . . the philosophical and religious underpinnings of their theories compared with psychoanalytical theory.'

- Choice

About the Author(s)

Sudhir Kakar is a psychoanalyst and writer who lives in Goa, India. Kakar's sixteen books of non-fiction and four of fiction, include The Inner World (now in its 16th printing since its first publication in 1978), Shamans, Mystics and Doctors, The Analyst and the Mystic, Culture and Psyche, TheColors of Violence as also the novels The Ascetic of Desire, Ectasy, and Mira and the Mahatma. His books have been translated into twenty languages around the world.

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