Psychoanalysis and Wisdom: Encountering 'Ethics of the Fathers'

Author(s) : Paul Marcus

Psychoanalysis and Wisdom: Encountering 'Ethics of the Fathers'

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : April 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 160
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 97622
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032592404
  • ISBN 10 : 1032592400
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Psychoanalysis and Wisdom applies psychoanalytic insights to one of the great examples of wisdom literature, the Ethics of the Fathers, an ethical tractate of the Talmud.

Paul Marcus quotes key passages from the Ethics of the Fathers, providing a psychoanalytic commentary to enlarge and deepen our understanding of its contents and focusing primarily on what constitutes a flourishing life. Marcus then considers what psychoanalysis can provide in its engagement with this classic of the wisdom teachings, such as illuminating aspects of the Ethics that are overlooked or underappreciated, and how “pearls of wisdom” from the Ethics can be incorporated into psychoanalytic theory and practice. The book contains clinical material as well as the insights of philosophers like Martin Buber, Gabriel Marcel, and Emmanuel Levinas.

Psychoanalysis and Wisdom will appeal to readers interested in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy and to academics and students of psychoanalytic studies, religious studies, Judaic studies, and philosophy.

Reviews and Endorsements

Paul Marcus has brought together a classic of wisdom literature, the Ethics of the Fathers, and psychoanalytic theory and practice in ways that mutually illuminate each other. Their co-nourishing interaction adds to our sense and feeling for life in depth and breadth. A welcome addition to our exploration of who we are and can be.
Michael Eigen, Ph. D; author, Contact with the Depths, Faith, and The Sensitive Self

Paul Marcus brings a unique psychoanalytic perspective to the ethical teachings of the ancient rabbis. Readers will discover a completely different way of looking at familiar statements in the Ethics of the Fathers. This volume succeeds in bringing to bear a modern discipline for understanding a classic Jewish text.
Lawrence H. Schiffman, Global Distinguished Professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies, New York University

As a congregational Rabbi, I have read many interpretations of Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Fathers to help guide me in offering effective pastoral care. What makes this volume uniquely intriguing is that it beautifully and seamlessly weaves together psychoanalysis with rabbinic interpretations of these wisdom teachings. Dr Marcus’s expertise illuminates a psychological lens through which to understand Ethics of the Fathers that has been underappreciated in many traditional commentaries, as well as what psychoanalysis might learn from rabbinic wisdom. I recommend this book to clergy, pastoral caregivers, and all those interested in a psychological understanding of this Ancient Rabbinic masterpiece.
Rabbi Sharyn Perlman, Temple Beth Israel

Table of Contents

1. Psychoanalysis and the Ethics of the Fathers
2. Ethics of the Fathers
3. Conclusion

About the Author(s)

Paul Marcus, PhD, is a supervising and training analyst at the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis. He is the author of Being for The Other: Emmanuel Levinas, Ethical Living and Psychoanalysis; Autonomy in the Extreme Situation: Bruno Bettelheim, the Nazi Concentration Camps, and the Mass Society and Ancient Religious Wisdom, Spirituality and Psychoanalysis, among other books. Dr Marcus is married with two children and lives in Great Neck, New York.

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