Principles of Therapeutic Change That Work

Author(s) : Louis G. Castonguay, Author(s) : Larry E. Beutler

Principles of Therapeutic Change That Work

Book Details

  • Publisher : Oxford University Press
  • Published : 2006
  • Category :
    Individual Psychotherapy
  • Catalogue No : 89605
  • ISBN 13 : 9780195156843
  • ISBN 10 : 0195156846

Also by Larry E. Beutler

Also by Louis G. Castonguay

Insight in Psychotherapy

Insight in Psychotherapy

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This book transcends particular models of psychotherapy and treatment techniques and procedures, giving special attention to the empirical grounding of multiple contributors to change. The result is a series of over 60 principles for applying treatments to four problem areas: depression, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, and substance abuse disorders. This book explains both principles that are common to many problem areas and those that are specific to different populations in a format that is designed to help the clinician optimize treatment planning.

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