Learning From Life: Becoming a Psychoanalyst

Author(s) : Patrick Casement

Learning From Life: Becoming a Psychoanalyst

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : January 2006
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 24680
  • ISBN 13 : 9780415399319
  • ISBN 10 : 0415399319
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All of life can be a resource for our learning. In his fourth and most personal book, Patrick Casement attempts to understand what he has learned from life, sharing a wide range of those experiences that have helped shape the analyst he has become. He shares various incidents in his life to demonstrate how these helped lay a foundation for his subsequent understanding of psychoanalysis. These examples from his life and work are powerful and at times very moving, but always filled with hope and compassion. This unique book gives a fascinating insight into fundamental questions concerning the acquisition of analytic wisdom and how personal experiences shape the analyst's approach to clinical work. It will be of great interest to all psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists.

Reviews and Endorsements

Williams, Foreword. Introduction. Part I: Development. Learning from life. An Emerging Sense of Direction. Finding a Place for Theory. Learning to Say "No". Hate and Containment. Samuel Beckett's Relationship to his Mother-tongue. Mourning and Failure to Mourn. Internal Supervision in Process: A Case Presentation. Developing Clinical Antennae. Part II: Reflections. Some Things Difficult to Explain. Certainty and Non-certainty. Looking Back.

Author Biography:
Patrick Casement has been a psychoanalyst and therapist in full-time private practice for many years, having previously been a social worker. He is author of On Learning from the Patient and Further Learning from the Patient. His last book Learning from Our Mistakes received a Gradiva award for its contribution to psychoanalysis.

About the Author(s)

Patrick Casement is a Fellow of the Institute of Psychoanalysis and a Member of the International Association of Psychoanalysis. He was formerly a training analyst of the British Psychoanalytical Society, having been in full-time private practice for many years, now retired. He is the author of numerous publications.

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Customer Reviews

Our customers have given this title an average rating of 5 out of 5 from 2 review(s), add your own review for this title.

Jay Upton on 22/03/2008

Rating1Rating2Rating3Rating4Rating5 (5 out of 5)

What is unusual about this book is that Casement shares his heart and soul
about the inner world of this fascinating and complicated profession. He
shows how he grew through social work and probation to become a warm and
caring psychoanalyst. Starting with an early problematic childhood he shows
us how we can learn and grow from his experiences and help us in our
professional life.

beni.woolmer@virgin.net on 18/02/2008

Rating1Rating2Rating3Rating4Rating5 (5 out of 5)

We are challenged these days by attachment theory to understand the devastating effects of severance to our attachments.In this powerful new book, Patrick Casement details his journey from the fractures of his own infancy and childhood to a detached boarding school boy.he looks back at his adolescent self in ambivalent need of certainty and on through the pain of heartbreak and breakdown. Eventually,through a rigorous analysis,he was able to recover, discover, his many-times-abandoned-self. His originality is to have drawn, with unusual candour, which may shock some,on such painful experiences and to risk sharing them with us.They have enabled him to work with the extraordinary sensitivity and compassion which are the hallmarks of his work.

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