Jungian Analysts Working Across Cultures: From Tradition to Innovation

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : June 2021
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 312
- Category :
Jung and Analytical Psychology - Category 2 :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 95916
- ISBN 13 : 9781032049809
- ISBN 10 : 1032049804
Also by Jan Wiener
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Jungian Analysts Working Across Cultures: From Tradition to Innovation gives a fascinating account of the wide variety of experiences of Jungian analysts working in different cultures across the world. They describe and reflect on experiences of both offering and receiving training within these cross-cultural partnerships. This is a book not only about training but is also an enlightening cultural commentary for our times. The powerful bi-directionality of cultural influence and discovery is apparent in different ways in every chapter, prompting a re-appraisal of concepts essential to the core values of Jungian practice which show an outdated adherence to culture-bound attitudes. The publication of this book is a timely reminder that when Jungian analysis as we know it is floundering in some Western countries, new projects in countries seeking to develop an analytic culture give hope for sustaining our professional practice.
Reviews and Endorsements
"This fascinating compilation celebrates the expanding interest around the globe in the work of Jung and the clinical application of his ideas. Jan Wiener and Catherine Crowther are ideal candidates for the task of editing this excellent book. They are true pioneers and ambassadors of Jungian analysis. For over twenty-five years, they have shared their passion and enthusiasm for analytical psychology with countless trainee analysts in Russia and Eastern Europe but also further afield. Just as they do with their trainees, they manage to get the best out of their authors who give moving and stimulating accounts of their multi-cultural experiences. We see how orthodoxies are challenged and how Jungian analysis, like all things, is required to evolve to survive. I can’t recommend it highly enough." - Martin Schmidt, training analyst at the Society of Analytical Psychology, London and lecturer/supervisor in Jungian analysis in Russia, Ukraine, and Serbia.
"This inspiring book amply demonstrates the achievements of the IAAP ‘router’ programme over the past two decades. With a truly Jungian commitment to mutuality and bi-directional learning, trainers and trainees alike record the fruits of this pioneering venture into the world of the other. Anyone interested in the relation between analysis and culture, and the rewards of cross-cultural dialogue, will greatly enjoy reading this book." - Warren Colman, supervising analyst at the Society of Analytical Psychology and Consulting Editor for the Journal of Analytical Psychology.
"Here is a fascinating collection of reflections about the mutual influences of western psychoanalysts who teach colleagues in the East. Lots of experiences, questions, doubts, and exciting experiences from both sides are described and discussed. It provides basic texts for discussing the limitations but also the excellent prospects, together with the challenges of transformation for both in a cross-cultural partnership in teaching and understanding Jungian psychology. This book will surely open a broad discussion around these issues." - Verena Kast, Professor of Psychology at the University of Zürich, training analyst at the C. G. Jung Institute and psychotherapist in private practice. She lectures throughout the world and is the author of numerous books, including A Time to Mourn and The Nature of Loving.
"This outstanding compilation of articles gives voice to participants, including those of analysts, trainees, supervisors, and teachers, in the innovative and challenging adventure of providing training in Jungian analysis through Developing Groups in different cultural settings around the world. Neither over-idealizing nor shying away from often well-founded criticism, this book provides a balanced and nuanced overview creating an overall mosaic highlighting both the challenges and rewards of analytic work in different cultural settings on a theoretical, professional, linguistic, and personal level. Recognition of and appreciation for the bi-directional influence as a result of this foray into uncharted waters confirms that, despite very real limitations, psyche nevertheless finds creative, purposeful solutions and, that with flexibility, courage, and openness, the Jungian community has as much to gain and to learn from this experience as we have to offer.
Jung often stated that when he entered an analytic session, he tried to forget everything he had learned in order to be totally present and open to the individual before him. The very real challenge this represents is brought to life in the thought-provoking and deeply moving personal contributions of each author. This book is an absolute must for anyone with the willingness and courage to explore and question our ethnocentric perspectives and assumptions about analysis. I recommend it highly without reservation." - Tom Kelly, former President of the IAAP. He is a senior training analyst and supervisor, and past president of the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts and of the Council of North American Societies of Jungian Analysts.
About the Editor(s)
Catherine Crowther is a Training Analyst for the Society of Analytical Psychology. She is involved with teaching and supervising in the UK and in Eastern Europe. She has contributed articles and chapters on analytical psychology on subjects such as silence, fairy tales, moments of meeting, eating disorders, supervision and training.
Jan Wiener is a Training Analyst and Supervisor for the Society of Analytical Psychology. She was Vice President of the IAAP from 2010 – 2013 with particular responsibility for the development of analytical psychology in different parts of the world, especially in Eastern Europe. She is author/editor of four books and numerous chapters and papers on themes such as training, transference, ethics and supervision.
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