I am the Parent Who Stayed: Joyfully parenting alone

Book Details
- Publisher : Practical Inspiration Publishing
- Published : March 2018
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 224
- Category :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Category 2 :
Parenting - Catalogue No : 93766
- ISBN 13 : 9781788600125
- ISBN 10 : 9781788600
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Being The parent who stayed can be more beautiful than you ever imagined. It's hard to be left taking care of your family all by yourself. Parenting alone in the wake of domestic violence, intense conflict or traumatic, unexpected events, makes being The parent who stayed even more difficult. Are you standing in the ruins of your family wondering what the hell you have to do to get back to being ok again? Has the amount of conflict, aggression and shame that came with separation/divorce floored your and your kids? You deserve to be happy, no matter how awful this has been. Parenting alone after traumatic family breakdown is relentless, lonely, scary and hard. The nights you sit on the stairs crying after the kids finally fall asleep. The days you can barely get out of bed but push on through because no-one else is going to pick up the pieces. The times you watch your children crumple into anger, despair and frustration and you simply don’t know what to do. If you feel that you’re stuck in the trenches, this book is for you. It's for you, if even lifting your eyes to the path ahead feels like putting yourself in the firing line. It is for you if you’re just about getting through the day you’re in. It's for you if you know that life cannot change when you have no perspective, no vision, and no plan. You can figure out how to pick up all the broken pieces of your life and put them back together again. Discover how to parent on your own with skill, courage and artistry. Rebuild your family from the shattered mess of grief and anger Create a life more beautiful and more rewarding than you ever thought possible, for both you and your children Be truly proud of what you have achieved as a single parent, no matter how you arrived in this place I promise that if you show up and work your way through this book with commitment you will also experience a new way of living together as a family. You’ll discover a beautiful life waiting for you, where your family is whole and complete just as you are. You will learn how to put down all your resentments, how to let go of your need to control or manipulate people, places or things, and in the journey, rediscover your joy and connection to being a parent again.
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