Going Sane

Author(s) : Adam Phillips

Going Sane

Book Details

  • Publisher : Penguin Books
  • Published : January 2006
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 23512
  • ISBN 13 : 9780141012490
  • ISBN 10 : 0141012498

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We can define the mad, but how do we classify the sane? In 'Going Sane', psychoanalyst and writer Adam Phillips delves deep into history, philosophy, literature, and his own experiences to address questions that we rarely ask about ourselves, taking us on an engrossing journey in which we learn many things, including some of what it takes to be happy in the modern world.

Reviews and Endorsements

'Going Sane' explores a curious and telling contradiction that goes to the heart of the ways in which we think and talk about ourselves and others: the fact that we are better able to address the subject of madness than that of sanity. For the last three hundred years in the West there have been elaborate descriptions available of what it is to be mad, but no comparable accounts of what it might be to be sane. Now Adam Phillips takes a variety of areas key to our lives, including money, sex, and childhood, and suggests what a sane approach to these might be. And in a wholly original conclusion he gives us a utopian and uplifting vision of what life might be like for a sane person in the modern world.

Author Biography:
Adam Phillips is a psychoanalyst and the author of ten previous books including 'On Kissing, Tickling and Being Bored', 'On Flirtation', 'Darwin's Worms' and 'Houdini's Box'. He writes regularly for the London Review of Books, the Observer and the New York Times, and is General Editor of the new Penguin Modern Classics Freud translations.

About the Author(s)

Adam Phillips is a psychoanalyst and a visiting professor in the English Department at the University of York. He is the author of several well-known volumes, all widely acclaimed, including On Kissing, Tickling and Being Bored, Going Sane, Side Effects and recently On Kindness, co-written with historian Barbara Taylor, On Balance, Missing Out and One Way and Another.

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