Gifted and Talented Children: A Planning Guide

Book Details
- Publisher : Jessica Kingsley
- Published : 2002
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 60
- Category :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Catalogue No : 85680
- ISBN 13 : 9781843100867
- ISBN 10 : 184310086X
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This teacher's handbook provides professional developmental support, direction and practical advice to those teachers who have children with special abilities in their classrooms. It is the result of the author's experience in working with children who are gifted and talented. Strongly underpinned by current thinking in the area of gifted and talented education, the resource also takes a practical "inclusive" approach to ways of working with highly-able children in regular classrooms. The guide is divided into the following four sections: "Who are Gifted and Talented Children?" - an overview of the wide range of different abilities that the term "gifted and talented" can cover; "What are We Doing? What Do We Need to Do?" - this section contains strategies and focus questions which allow schools to focus on provisions they could make for children with special abilities, and it also features information on policy development, programming for all children and manageable ways to differentiate programmes for the highly able; "Getting Into School-Wide Action" - provides strategies for identifying children with special abilities across the school, including indicators for general ability, multiple intelligences, specific abilities and under-achievers; and "What Can We Do in the Classroom?" -topics in this section include setting up a responsive environment, learning and teaching strategies, unit analysis and adaptation, social and emotional development, and relating to parents.
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