Dreams: Soul-Centered Living in the Twenty-First Century

Author(s) : Laura Grace

Dreams: Soul-Centered Living in the Twenty-First Century

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Envision waking from a dream that felt 'big' and being able to understand why the characters, images and even landscapes appeared and what they are specifically communicating to you. What if you were able to unearth how your dreams can improve your relationships, raise your consciousness and illuminate your life's purpose?

Dreams: Soul-Centred Living in the 21st Century is essential for everyone who is curious about the profound realm of dreams. It leads you on an exciting journey while accelerating your personal, professional and soulful evolution. Laura Grace Ph.D. provides cutting edge awareness and guidance in exploring your dreams.

About the Author(s)

Laura V. Grace, Ph.D. is a Jungian practitioner, interfaith spiritual director and dream expert. An active member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, she has taught more than two hundred courses on the transforming power of dreams and developed a unique process for tending to dreams called "Dream Inquiry".

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