Cognitive Therapy in Groups: Guidelines and Resources for Practice: Second Edition

Book Details
- Publisher : John Wiley
- Published : 2007
- Category :
Group Psychotherapy - Category 2 :
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapies - Catalogue No : 24863
- ISBN 13 : 9780470024485
- ISBN 10 : 0470024488
Also by Michael L. Free
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The book guides the therapist through the selection of participants and the main phases of cognitive therapy: education, identification of automatic thoughts using the ABC method, identification of schemas through the vertical arrow method, challenging negative thinking by objective and logical analysis, countering negative beliefs, deconditioning any associated autonomic nervous system responses, and maintaining healthy thinking by means of cognitive techniques. This new edition covers developments in the theory of cognitive therapy, a greater focus on anxiety, group and individual process issues and case formulation. A new chapter deals with specific group issues such as suicidal ideation and acting out.
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