Children, Adolescents and Death: Questions and Answers

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2017
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 264
- Category :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Category 2 :
Grief and Bereavement - Catalogue No : 39996
- ISBN 13 : 9780895039231
- ISBN 10 : 0895039230
Also by Gerry R. Cox
Also by Robert G. Stevenson
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The topic of death and related issues (such as grief) often begin with questions. When the questions come from, or are about, children or adolescents, they bring an additional component... the fear some adults have of giving a wrong answer. In this context a wrong answer is one that can cause more harm than good for the child or adolescent who asked the question. This book provides information that can be used to address the death-related questions from children and adolescents. It also looks at questions from caring adults about the way children or adolescents view death and the grief that follows a death or any major loss. It covers topics that start with early studies of childhood grief and progress to expression of grief in cyberspace.
There is no one answer to most of the questions in this book. There are contributors from a number of continents, countries, cultures and academic disciplines, each of whom brings a unique view of the topic issues they discuss. There are presentations of practical interventions that others may copy of upon which they can build. There are a number of chapters that look at death education in both family and school settings. This work contains ideas and techniques that can be of value to parents, educators, counselors, therapists, spiritual advisors, caring adults and, of course, will be of the most benefit to those who ask the most questions... the children and adolescents themselves.
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