Autistic Barriers in Neurotic Patients

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 1986
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 352
- Category :
Autism and Aspergers - Category 2 :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Catalogue No : 2682
- ISBN 13 : 9780946439256
- ISBN 10 : 0946439257
Also by Frances Tustin
The Protective Shell in Children and Adults
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Autism and Childhood Psychosis
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Reviews and Endorsements
'[Tustin] deals very sensitively and sensibly with the knotty problem of parents' contribution to autistic development, providing a balanced interactive view which does not allocate blame. Her discussion of autistic objects and autistic shapes is illuminating and has widespread clinical applicability. This book is highly recommended reading.'
- Mary Boston, British Journal of Medical Psychology
'Finally I should say that it is written in a colloquial style and with a minimum of jargon which was the author's stated intention. Her ideas are expressed clearly and vividly with a refreshing lack of dogmatism. Anyone knowing the powerful impact these children can have on their therapist must pay tribute to the inner strength and security required to treat them with any degree of success.'
- H.S. Klein, International Review of Psycho-Analysis
'She deals very sensitively and sensibly with the knotty problem of parents' contribution to autistic development, providing a balanced interactive view which does not allocate blame. Her discussion of autistic objects and autistic shapes is illuminating and has widespread clinical applicability.This book is highly recommended reading.'
- Mary Boston, British Journal of Medical Psychology
'This is a significant book. There is much new thinking in it which will provide discussion for some time to come. To my mind it has another value. In many ways the work provides a complement to Bion's theory and with its graphical clinical description could well contribute to the better integration of his work into the sphere of child psychotherapy. Frances Tustin is not always aware how closely her work matches that of Bion but she was analysed by him and will not be surprised to find herself sharing with him so much that is both adventurous and compassionate.'
- Sheila Spensley, Journal of Child Psychotherapy
'In writing and publishing this book Tustin shows that the study of autism does not only help us to extend our understanding of the history of the nature and the quality of our perceptions and our reactions to the world, and to ourselves in the world, during the first few moments - seconds, minutes, hours or days - after our birth; it also helps us to understand, diagnose, del with and treat patients - child or adult - who present us with a wider spectrum of psychopathological conditions that we have been able to acknowledge and to comprehend.'
- Rosemary Gordon, Journal of Analytical Psychology
About the Author(s)
Frances Tustin (1913-1994) was renowned for her pioneering work on the psychoanalytic treatment of childhood autism. In 1952, Tustin joined the second intake of the new child psychotherapy training program at the Tavistock Clinic in London. Her interest in autism began in 1954 when she spent a year at the James Jackson Putnam Center in Boston, Massachusetts. She worked there both as a therapist and as a general assistant in managing autistic children. On returning to Britain the following year she established a close working relationship with Mildred Creak, a child psychiatrist at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, and later developed a private practice in which she specialised in treating the most disturbed children. From 1971 to 1973 she was principal child psychotherapist at the Tavistock Child Guidance Centre. The author of several books and influential papers, she taught extensively both abroad and in Britain, and her books have been widely translated. She was an Honorary Member of the Association of Child Psychotherapists and an Honorary Affiliate of the British Psychoanalytical Society. Several months after her death Tustin's husband, and the psychoanalysts Judith and Theodore Mitrani, founded the Frances Tustin Memorial Trust in Los Angeles (now based in Paris). The Trust awards an annual Frances Tustin Memorial Prize and lectureship for a clinical paper on, 'the treatment of primitive mental states in general and autistic states, in particular, in children, adolescents or adults.' Tustin's archive is held at the Wellcome Library.
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