Gestalt Therapy Books

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Gestalt Therapy: Roots and Branches - Collected Papers

Gestalt Therapy: Roots and Branches - Collected Papers

by Peter Philippson

  • Paperback £35.99

There has been a renewed interest in the last ten years in the underpinnings – theoretical, philosophical, and historical – of the Gestalt approach. Often in the past, these have been lost in... (more)

Gestalt Therapy: Therapy of the Situation

Gestalt Therapy: Therapy of the Situation

by George Wollants

  • Paperback £36.99

This seminal textbook on Gestalt therapy refreshes the theory of Gestalt therapy revisiting its European roots. Taking the basic premise that people do the best they can in relation to their own... (more)

An Introduction to Gestalt

An Introduction to Gestalt

by Charlotte Sills, Phil Lapworth

  • Paperback £31.99

Contents: PART ONE: BACKGROUND A Brief History of Gestalt Contemporary Gestalt Principles and Recent Developments PART TWO: Gestalt Theories The Relationship in Gestalt Practice Awareness Embodiment... (more)

Gestalt Therapy: Advances in Theory and Practice

Gestalt Therapy: Advances in Theory and Practice

Edited by Talia Levine Bar-Yoseph

  • Paperback £42.99

The Gestalt approach is based on the philosophy that the human being is born with the healthy ability to regulate needs and wants in relationship with the environment in which she/he lives.... (more)

Object Relations in Gestalt Therapy

Object Relations in Gestalt Therapy

by Gilles Delisle

  • Paperback £35.99

The author proposes a revision of Perls, Hefferline and Goodman's Theory of the Self in a way that brings it closer to contemporary issues in in the area of personality disorders. Understanding... (more)

Gestalt Therapy: A Guide to Contemporary Practice

Gestalt Therapy: A Guide to Contemporary Practice

by Philip Brownell

  • Hardback £58.00

This book is a practical, professional reference on the practice of Gestalt Therapy (GT) by Philip Brownell, a leading practitioner and scholar in the field. The book covers the philosophical basics... (more)

Personality Pathology: Developmental Perspectives

Personality Pathology: Developmental Perspectives

by Gilles Delisle

  • Paperback £35.99

Personality pathology is rooted in early development and affects a wide range of affects, behaviours and cognitive processes. Every year thousands of articles about the etiology pf personality... (more)

Aggression, Time and Understanding: Contributions to the Evolution of Gestalt Therapy: 36462

Aggression, Time and Understanding: Contributions to the Evolution of Gestalt Therapy: 36462

by Frank-M. Staemmler

  • Paperback £38.99

Aggression, Time, and Understanding is the first book of Staemmler's writings to be published in English. In the early sections of this book, Staemmler (supported by his Buddhist wife, Barbara)... (more)

The Secret Language of Intimacy: Releasing the Hidden Power in Couple Relationships

The Secret Language of Intimacy: Releasing the Hidden Power in Couple Relationships

by Robert G. Lee

  • Paperback £36.99

In The Secret Language of Intimacy, shame and its consequences are foregrounded as a major, if not the major, impediment to the healthy functioning in the relationships of couples. In the first part... (more)

Max Wertheimer and Gestalt Theory

Max Wertheimer and Gestalt Theory

by D. Brett King, Michael Wertheimer

  • Print £44.99

The ideas of Max Wertheimer (1880-1943), a founder of Gestalt theory, are discussed in almost all general books on the history of psychology and in most introductory textbooks on psychology. This... (more)

Gestalt Therapy: The Art of Contact

Gestalt Therapy: The Art of Contact

by Serge Ginger

  • Paperback £35.99

Gestalt Therapy has been developing steadily for the last 50 years in America as well as in Europe. It is currently practiced in different settings: individual, group, and family therapies; personal... (more)

The Emergent Self: An Existential-Gestalt Approach

The Emergent Self: An Existential-Gestalt Approach

by Peter Philippson

  • Paperback £28.99

This book tracks a particular understanding of self, philosophically, from research evidence and in its implications for psychotherapy. At each step, the author includes first the theory he is... (more)

Becoming a Practitioner-Researcher: A Gestalt Approach to Holistic Inquiry

Becoming a Practitioner-Researcher: A Gestalt Approach to Holistic Inquiry

by Paul Barber

  • Paperback £30.00

Learning from the workplace, reflection on practice and lifelong learning today are acknowledged as central to effective continuing professional development. This book is designed as an indispensable... (more)

Handbook of Gestalt Play Therapy: Practical Guidelines for Child Therapists

Handbook of Gestalt Play Therapy: Practical Guidelines for Child Therapists

by Rinda Blom

  • Paperback £24.99

This book is an introduction to gestalt play therapy, a technique which combines the principles of gestalt theory with play techniques, so that children are able to use play to address their needs... (more)

Creative License: The Art of Gestalt Therapy

Creative License: The Art of Gestalt Therapy

Edited by Margherita S. Lobb, Nancy Amendt-Lyon

  • Print £139.99

The Gestalt approach is particularly known for its broad spectrum of therapeutic interventions, including artistic materials and methods from the fine and performing arts. Creativity is a significant... (more)

Hidden Treasure: A Map to the Child's Inner Self

Hidden Treasure: A Map to the Child's Inner Self

by Violet Oaklander

  • Paperback £35.99
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Hidden Treasure is a follow up to Oaklander's first book, Windows To Our Children. Most of the books available in working with this population are written from a traditional 'play therapy' point of... (more)

Gestalt Therapy: History, Theory and Practice

Gestalt Therapy: History, Theory and Practice

by Ansel Woldt

  • Paperback £100.00

Gestalt Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice is a basic, introductory text, written by major Gestalt theorists, that will engage those new to Gestalt therapy. Editors Ansel Woldt and Sarah M. Toman... (more)

On Intimate Ground

On Intimate Ground

Edited by Gordon Wheeler, Stephanie Backman (Eds)

  • Hardback £54.99

The contributors to this text share the belief that a phenomenological approach to incorporating the insights of Gestalt psychotherapy leads to an integration of psychodynamic insights with an... (more)

Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt Therapy

by Claudio Naranjo

  • Paperback £20.00

This remarkable exploration of the inner principles of Gestalt therapy originated over twenty years ago in the form of a completed book, written at Fritz Perls' request. Here it is joined by a... (more)

Holism and Evolution

Holism and Evolution

by Jan C. Smuts

  • Print £22.00

Holism and Evolution was written shortly after Smuts defeat by Hertzog in 1924. the book was a profound influence on Frederick Perls, a founder of Gestalt therapy, who read it when he first went to... (more)

The Dreamer and the Dream: Essays and Reflections on Gestalt Therapy

The Dreamer and the Dream: Essays and Reflections on Gestalt Therapy

by Rainette Eden Fantz

  • Paperback £25.99

This collection of papers and lectures from the late Rainette Eden Fantz allows the reader to experience, first hand, the exhilarating possibilities inherent in the Gestalt model for psychotherapy.... (more)

Gestalt therapy: Perspectives and applications

Gestalt therapy: Perspectives and applications

Edited by Edwin C. Nevis

  • Print £39.99

This is a collection of contemporary Gestalt approaches to the full range of clinical problems and treatment modalities. It covers work in individual, group, and organizational settings, and includes... (more)

Gestalt Psychology: The Definitive Statement of the Gestalt Theory

Gestalt Psychology: The Definitive Statement of the Gestalt Theory

by Wolfgang Koehler

  • Print £18.49

Wolfgang Koehler (1887-1967) was one of the founders of Gestalt psychology, the influential school that argues that perception is best understood as an organized pattern rather than as separate... (more)

Body Process: Working with the Body in Psychotherapy

Body Process: Working with the Body in Psychotherapy

by James I. Kepner

  • Paperback £34.99

This work examines the therapeutic significance of posture, movements, and bodily experience for the psychotherapy patient. The author then provides a framework for incorporating these physical... (more)

Developing Gestalt Counselling

Developing Gestalt Counselling

by Jennifer Mackewn

  • Paperback £34.99

Describing contemporary integrative Gestalt counselling and psychotherapy, this book addresses 30 key issues which will help both trainee and practising counsellors examine and improve crucial areas... (more)

Redecision therapy: a brief, action-oriented approach

Redecision therapy: a brief, action-oriented approach

by Carolyn E. Lennox

  • Hardback £95.00

Redecision therapy, with its roots in transactional analysis and Gestalt therapy, is described here. Developed in the 1960s, its basic techniques are: contracting for change; using self-responsible... (more)

Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality

Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality

Edited by Frederick Perls, Paul Goodman

  • Print £18.00

This seminal text sets forth the theoretical foundations of Gestalt Therapy. Originally published in 1951. (more)

The Courage to Grieve: Creative Living, Recovery and Growth Through Grief

The Courage to Grieve: Creative Living, Recovery and Growth Through Grief

by Judy Tatelbaum

  • Paperback £14.99

Although this book emphasizes the response to bereavement, it aims to help with all kinds of loss and grief, exploring intense and uncomfortable emotions such as sorrow, guilt, loneliness,... (more)

Fritz Perls

Fritz Perls

by Petruska Clarkson

  • Paperback £39.99

Fritz Perls was the co-founder of Gestalt Therapy, which is based on a holistic view of people and their relationship to the environment, and which remains one of the most influential approaches in... (more)

The Voice of Shame: Silence and Connection in Psychotherapy

The Voice of Shame: Silence and Connection in Psychotherapy

by Robert Lee, Gordon Wheeler

  • Paperback £38.99

This collection analyses the impact that shame may have on the lives of diverse individuals throughout their life cycle, and the implications of this for the therapeutic situation. (more)

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