Counselling Books

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Community care: A reader

Community care: A reader

Edited by Joanna Bornat, Fiona Williams

  • Print £31.99

This interdisciplinary volume on community care brings together leading writers and researchers in the field. The articles in the book are divided into four sections: community; care; policy; and... (more)

Asian adolescents in the West:

Asian adolescents in the West:

by Paul A. Singh Ghuman

  • Print £40.50

British-born Asian adolescents have to face the problems of growing up in two distinctive cultural traditions and value systems. This text looks at inter-ethnic relations, racial prejudice, gender... (more)

Hanging by a twig: Understanding and counseling adults with learning disabilities and ADD

Hanging by a twig: Understanding and counseling adults with learning disabilities and ADD

by Carol Wren

  • Hardback £22.99

A highly educational and instructive work, filled with well-selected case studies rich with clients' stories and quotes. The authors comprehensive view of adults with learning disabilities will guide... (more)

Cultures of care: Biographies of carers in Britain and the two Germanies

Cultures of care: Biographies of carers in Britain and the two Germanies

by Prue Chamberlayne, Annette King

  • Print £28.99

This work compares the experiences of unpaid family carers in three different welfare systems. It investigates the inter-relatedness of the personal and the social, how individual lives are shaped by... (more)

Counselling in primary health care:

Counselling in primary health care:

by Jane Keithley, Geoffrey Marsh

  • Print £82.00

Aims to help all those in the primary care team to examine their role as counsellors to their patients or as the gateway to other counselling services. The book examines the different points of view... (more)

Gender loving care: A guide to counseling gender-variant clients

Gender loving care: A guide to counseling gender-variant clients

by Randi Ettner

  • Print £20.00

While transsexualism has always been part of the human experience, only recently have people "trapped in the wrong body" sought psychological care in large numbers. This book provides background... (more)

The social work psychoanalyst's casebook: Essays in honour of Jean Sanville

The social work psychoanalyst's casebook: Essays in honour of Jean Sanville

by Joyce Edward

  • Print £46.99

This text offers accounts of nine analyses that cover in detail what transpired between analysts and their analysands during the treatment hours. The theoretical perspectives and therapeutic... (more)

Philosophy practice: An alternative to counselling and psychotherapy

Philosophy practice: An alternative to counselling and psychotherapy

by Shlomit C. Schuster

  • Print £74.00

A description of the practice of philosophical counselling, which is emerging as an alternative to psychotherapy. It discusses the main theoretical aspects of this practice, based on a dialogue... (more)

The phoenix phenomenon: rising from the ashes of grief:

The phoenix phenomenon: rising from the ashes of grief:

by J. Jozefowski

  • Print £88.00

A balanced work of hope and promise about living after a loved one has died - about alchemizing pain and despair into something empowering, purposeful, transcendent. The author, a bereavement... (more)

Enhancing counselor intervention strategies: An integrational viewpoint

Enhancing counselor intervention strategies: An integrational viewpoint

by Sterling Gerber

  • Print £12.99

Prepares future professionals in the field of counselling psychology with a guide to theory and practice, linking learning principles with therapeutic change modalities. It also teaches the... (more)

Counselling and helping carers:

Counselling and helping carers:

by Mitchell Noon

  • Print £38.50

The needs of carers are sometimes unclear and many health or voluntary workers are uncertain about their role in relation to the carers and their needs. This book provides basic counselling and... (more)

Working in Social Care: A systemic approach

Working in Social Care: A systemic approach

by Dave Evans, Jeremy Kearney

  • Print £48.99

This book is designed to aid the practitioner in all social care settings. It covers the systemic approach from three main perspectives: key principles to help guide practice and teaching; the... (more)

Counselling children with chronic medical conditions:

Counselling children with chronic medical conditions:

by Melinda Edwards, Hilton Davis

  • Print £37.50

A practical manual of counselling skills for working with children with chronic medical and physical conditions. The book explores the child's understanding of their body and illness, how to... (more)

Infertility and involuntary childlessness: Helping couples care

Infertility and involuntary childlessness: Helping couples care

by Beth Cooper-Hilbert

  • Print £21.99

Infertility affects one in six couples and is at once a medical, psychological and social problem. This book shows therapists how to help individuals and couples cope with this crisis. 178 pages. (more)

The complete guide to outplacement counseling:

The complete guide to outplacement counseling:

by Alan J. Pickman

  • Print £9.99

This text focuses on the process of assisting employees who have lost their jobs to develop career plans and to find new employment. Topics include: the theoretical basis of outplacement counselling;... (more)

Counselling and Communication Skills for Medical and Health Practitioners

Counselling and Communication Skills for Medical and Health Practitioners

Edited by Rowan Bayne, Paula Nicolson

  • Print £37.50

Acknowledges the complimentary parts that counselling and psychotherapy play. (more)

Brief therapeutic consultations: An approach to systemic counselling

Brief therapeutic consultations: An approach to systemic counselling

by Eddy Street, Jim Downey

  • Print £59.25

This text outlines the theory and practice of brief therapeutic consultations. Based on a life-cycle perspective, and within a systematic framework, this approach seeks to involve the consultant... (more)

Counselling Couples in Relationships

Counselling Couples in Relationships

by Chris Butler, Victoria Joyce

  • Print £51.00

An introduction to the RELATE approach. 208 pages. (more)

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