Counselling Books

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Business Basics for Private Practice: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals

Business Basics for Private Practice: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals

by Anne D. Bartolucci

  • Paperback £32.99

Business Basics for Private Practice provides a step-by-step guide to developing a successful practice from initial conceptualization and business plan to future growth for the true entrepreneur. Dr.... (more)

Humane Helping: Focusing Less on Disorders and More on Life's Challenges

Humane Helping: Focusing Less on Disorders and More on Life's Challenges

by Eric Maisel

  • Paperback £38.99

Humane Helping is a comprehensive, practical guide that helps clinicians shift their practice from the mental disorder-and-chemical fix and expert-talk models to a more humane, helpful model that... (more)

Using the Socratic Method in Counseling: A Guide to Channeling Inborn Knowledge

Using the Socratic Method in Counseling: A Guide to Channeling Inborn Knowledge

by Adam Drozdek

  • Paperback £36.99

Using the Socratic Method in Counseling shows counselors how to use the Socratic method to help clients solve life problems using knowledge they may not realize they have. Coauthored by two experts... (more)

Pluralistic Therapy: Distinctive Features

Pluralistic Therapy: Distinctive Features

by John McLeod

  • Paperback £18.99

Pluralistic Therapy: Distinctive Features offers an introduction to what is distinctive about this increasingly popular method. Written by one of the co-founders of pluralistic therapy, and a leading... (more)

Adlerian Group Counseling and Therapy, Step-by-step

Adlerian Group Counseling and Therapy, Step-by-step

by Manford A. Sonstegard, James R. Bitter

  • Print £130.00

A distillation of some of the most significant ideas pertaining to the group work of Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs, this text illustrates the development of a group from its formation to its final... (more)

Dictionary of Counselling: Second Edition

Dictionary of Counselling: Second Edition

by Colin Feltham, Windy Dryden

  • Paperback £36.50

This book provides concise definitions of more than 1000 terms used in the field of counselling. As well as covering theory and practice, the book also includes client concerns and problems which may... (more)

Problem Drinking: A Person-Centred Dialogue

Problem Drinking: A Person-Centred Dialogue

by Richard Bryant-Jefferies

  • Paperback £28.99

Demonstrating the application of person-centred alcohol counselling theory using dialogue to illustrate interactions, this text describes counselling supervision and looks at how this approach helps... (more)

Counselling and the Life Course

Counselling and the Life Course

by Leonie Sugarman

  • Print £37.99

Counselling and the Life Course introduces counsellors to the concept of the life course as a multidimensional and multidisciplinary framework for thinking about clients' lives within and beyond the... (more)

Counselling Young People: Person-Centred Dialogues

Counselling Young People: Person-Centred Dialogues

by Richard Bryant-Jefferies

  • Paperback £31.99

This text provides insight into the work of counsellors in helping young people cope in schools, colleges, universities, surgeries and hospitals, social services and charities. It uses dialogue to... (more)

Counselling a Recovering Drug User: A Person-Centred Dialogue

Counselling a Recovering Drug User: A Person-Centred Dialogue

by Richard Bryant-Jefferies

  • Paperback £31.99

This text highlights the complexities of dealing with people who have a drug-related problem and offers an insight into the world of drug users and the counselling process. It also provides an... (more)

Counselling for Progressive Disability: Person-Centred Dialogues

Counselling for Progressive Disability: Person-Centred Dialogues

by Richard Bryant-Jefferies

  • Print £28.99

Providing real insight into the experience of working with clients with progressive disabilities, this book uses dialogue, with thoughts and feelings in boxed comments, to illustrate the... (more)

Transforming Emotion: Conversations in Counselling and Psychotherapy

Transforming Emotion: Conversations in Counselling and Psychotherapy

by Glenda Fredman

  • Paperback £39.50

Starting from the position that there is no universal story of emotion necessarily acceptable to all cultures, Fredman offers a repertoire of possibilities to talk about feelings, share understanding... (more)

Counselling Individuals: A Rational Emotive Behavioural Handbook: Fourth Edition

Counselling Individuals: A Rational Emotive Behavioural Handbook: Fourth Edition

by Windy Dryden

  • Paperback £56.25

This book outlines the major strategies and techiques that are most closely associated with REBT and is primarily intended for those who work in a counselling role with individuals who are not... (more)

Social Work, Immigration and Asylum: Debates, Dilemmas and Ethical Issues for Social Work and Social Care Practice

Social Work, Immigration and Asylum: Debates, Dilemmas and Ethical Issues for Social Work and Social Care Practice

Edited by Debra Hayes, Beth Humphries

  • Paperback £30.99

The practical and ethical challenges facing human service professionals working with refugees, asylum seekers and other people subject to immigration controls are discussed in this much-needed book.... (more)

Counselling Children, Adolescents and Families

Counselling Children, Adolescents and Families

by John Sharry

  • Print £37.99

Counselling Children, Adolescents and Families describes an innovative approach to therapeutic work which builds on the strengths of children and their parents. As the author's experience shows,... (more)

Psychotherapy and Counselling: A Professional Business

Psychotherapy and Counselling: A Professional Business

by Cynthia Rogers

  • Paperback £45.95

This title concerns the stresses a psychotherapist encounters over the course of his or her professional life and how these might be addressed. Cynthia Rogers has distilled her own and others'... (more)

Counselling Older Clients

Counselling Older Clients

by Ann Orbach

  • Paperback £40.99

Counselling Older Clients is a much-needed guide for practitioners working with older clients in a range of settings. Highlighting the stereotypes and prejudices which frequently exist around ageing,... (more)

Dual Relationships in Counselling and Psychotherapy: Exploring the Limits

Dual Relationships in Counselling and Psychotherapy: Exploring the Limits

by Gabrielle Syme

  • Print £40.99

The issue of dual relationships with clients, trainees and supervisees affects most counsellors or psychotherapists at some point in their careers. Many practitioners are unclear about such boundary... (more)

Cultural Diversity, Mental Health and Psychiatry: The Struggle Against Racism

Cultural Diversity, Mental Health and Psychiatry: The Struggle Against Racism

by Suman Fernando

  • Print £35.99

According to the National Service Framework for mental health published by the Department of Health in 1999, black and minority ethnic communities have little confidence in mental health services.... (more)

Collaboration in Social Work Practice

Collaboration in Social Work Practice

Edited by Jenny Weinstein, Tony Leiba

  • Paperback £27.99

The authors explain how practitioners in social care, health and related sectors can work more effectively together in line with current developments in policy and practice, offering a critical... (more)

An introduction to workplace counselling: A practitioner's guide

An introduction to workplace counselling: A practitioner's guide

by Loretta Franklin

  • Print £33.99

This practical guide to counselling and the particular demands of the workplace setting covers basic practice issues central to all therapeutic work, including the relationship between theory and... (more)

The Counselling of Couples in Health Care Settings: A Handbook for Clinicians

The Counselling of Couples in Health Care Settings: A Handbook for Clinicians

by Patricia D'Ardenne, Deirdre Morrod

  • Print £51.00

This handbook is aimed at clinicians wanting to cousel couples in hospital, community or domestic settings. Its focus is on helping the reader to form an alliance with the couple to maintain or... (more)

Counselling a Survivor of Child Sexual Abuse: A Person-Centred Dialogue

Counselling a Survivor of Child Sexual Abuse: A Person-Centred Dialogue

by Richard Bryant-Jefferies

  • Paperback £31.99

This book provides a vivid insight into working with a client who is a survivor of child sexual abuse. Using fictitious dialogue it illustrates the person-centred approach and relates it to how... (more)

Egan's Skilled Helper Model: Developments and Applications in Counselling

Egan's Skilled Helper Model: Developments and Applications in Counselling

by Val Wosket

  • Paperback £35.99

The skilled helper model of counselling is hugely influential in the helping professions. "Egan's Skilled Helper Model" brings a number of new and challenging perspectives to bear on Egan's work and... (more)

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