Child and Adolescent Studies Books

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The Good Life: Wellbeing and the New Science of Altruism, Selfishness and Immorality

The Good Life: Wellbeing and the New Science of Altruism, Selfishness and Immorality

by Graham Music

  • Paperback £26.99

Are we born selfish or primed to help others? Does stress make people more antisocial? Can we ever be genuinely altruistic?

This book explores some of the dilemmas at the heart of being human.... (more)

Cyberbullying Through the New Media: Findings from an International Network

Cyberbullying Through the New Media: Findings from an International Network

Edited by Peter K. Smith, Georges Steffgen

  • Paperback £51.99

Cyberbullying is one of the darker and more troubling aspects to the growing accessibility of new media technologies. Children in developed countries engage with cyberspace at younger and younger... (more)

Effective Interventions for Child Abuse and Neglect: An Evidence-Based Approach to Planning and Evaluating Interventions

Effective Interventions for Child Abuse and Neglect: An Evidence-Based Approach to Planning and Evaluating Interventions

by Geraldine Macdonald

  • Paperback £47.75

Why are some children abused or neglected? What can be done to protect and help them? A key element of informed decision making is knowing what sort of problems are amenable to what sort of... (more)

Child Protection Practice

Child Protection Practice

by Harry Ferguson

  • Paperback £31.99

How do practitioners step up to the professional challenge of keeping children safe? Leading author Harry Ferguson draws on his own research, personal experience and real-life case studies to... (more)

Putting on the Brakes: Understanding and Taking Control of Your ADD or ADHD: Third Edition

Putting on the Brakes: Understanding and Taking Control of Your ADD or ADHD: Third Edition

by Patricia O. Quinn, Judith M. Stern

  • Paperback £10.95

Completely updated and expanded, Putting on the Brakes: Third Edition continues to be the go-to resource for kids with AD/HD.

This essential guide — celebrating its 20th year in print — is... (more)

Mental Health for the Whole Child: Moving Young Clients from Disease & Disorder to Balance & Wellness

Mental Health for the Whole Child: Moving Young Clients from Disease & Disorder to Balance & Wellness

by Scott Shannon

  • Hardback £27.00

Every child possesses enormous untapped potential, and yet the number of kids suffering from mental illness today seems to creep ever upward. Depression, anxiety, ADHD, OCD, oppositional defiant... (more)

Child Temperament: New Thinking About the Boundary Between Traits and Illness

Child Temperament: New Thinking About the Boundary Between Traits and Illness

by David Rettew

  • Hardback £24.00

What is the difference between a child who is temperamentally sad and one who has depression? Can a kid be angry by temperament without being mentally ill? How can two thrill-seeking parents end up... (more)

Mindfulness-Based Play-Family Therapy: Theory and Practice

Mindfulness-Based Play-Family Therapy: Theory and Practice

by Dottie Higgins-Klein

  • Hardback £27.00

This book presents a new and comprehensive framework for helping children through play therapy that is set within the context of the family. This experience-based therapeutic model respectfully... (more)

Recovering My Kid: Parenting Young Adults in Treatment and Beyond

Recovering My Kid: Parenting Young Adults in Treatment and Beyond

by Joseph Lee

  • Paperback £15.99

National expert Dr. Joseph Lee explains the nature of youth addiction and treatment, and how families can create a safe and supportive environment for their loved ones during treatment and throughout... (more)

Yoga Therapy for Children with Autism and Special Needs

Yoga Therapy for Children with Autism and Special Needs

by Louise Goldberg

  • Hardback £22.00

For use in school, at home, or in therapeutic settings, Yoga Therapy for Children with Autism and Special Needs is a how-to manual providing a yoga therapy "lesson plan" that will engage children;... (more)

Premature Birth: The Baby, the Doctor and the Psychoanalyst

Premature Birth: The Baby, the Doctor and the Psychoanalyst

by Catherine Vanier

  • Paperback £35.99

If advances in medical technology now allow babies to be born earlier and survive premature birth, what of the psychical impact of this emergence into the world? What consequences can premature birth... (more)

Teen Suicide Risk: A Practitioner Guide to Screening Assessment and Management

Teen Suicide Risk: A Practitioner Guide to Screening Assessment and Management

by Cheryl A. King, Cynthia Ewell Foster

  • Hardback £27.99

Meeting a vital need, this book helps clinicians rapidly identify risks for suicidal behavior and manage an at-risk teen's ongoing care. It provides clear guidelines for conducting suicide risk... (more)

Do You Read Me?: Learning Difficulties, Dyslexia and the Denial of Meaning

Do You Read Me?: Learning Difficulties, Dyslexia and the Denial of Meaning

by J.F. Miller

  • Paperback £36.99

A fascinating and compelling exploration of the learning process for parents, teachers, and anyone with an interest in education.

Reading and writing are fundamentally about the communication of... (more)

Children's Social Relatedness: An Embodied Brain Process

Children's Social Relatedness: An Embodied Brain Process

by Baris Korkmas, Charles Njiokiktjien

  • Hardback £85.00

The subject of this book is the infant’s and young child’s social relatedness, including together the relationship between attachment and theory of body, speech-language, and theory-of-mind function,... (more)

Working with Grieving and Traumatized Children and Adolescents: Discovering What Matters Most Through Evidence-Based, Sensory Interventions

Working with Grieving and Traumatized Children and Adolescents: Discovering What Matters Most Through Evidence-Based, Sensory Interventions

by William Steele, Caelan Kuban

  • Paperback £35.99

This book provides a structured, sequential, and evidence-based approach for treating children and adolescents who are experiencing trauma or grief. This approach can be used for all types of... (more)

Psychodynamic Perspectives on Working with Children, Families, and Schools

Psychodynamic Perspectives on Working with Children, Families, and Schools

Edited by Michael O'Loughlin

  • Hardback £99.00

With the push toward accountability and test performance in schools there has been a decline in emphasis on creativity, imagination, and feelings in schools. Psychodynamic Perspectives on Working... (more)

Clinical Perspectives on Reflective Parenting: Keeping the Child's Mind in Mind

Clinical Perspectives on Reflective Parenting: Keeping the Child's Mind in Mind

Edited by M. Hossein Etezady, Mary Davis

  • Hardback £69.00

Clinical Perspectives on Reflective Parenting: Keeping the Child's Mind in Mind describes the Center for Reflective Parenting and techniques developed at the Center for helping parents to be able to... (more)

Taming Aggression in Your Child: How to Avoid Raising Bullies, Delinquents, or Trouble-makers

Taming Aggression in Your Child: How to Avoid Raising Bullies, Delinquents, or Trouble-makers

by Henri Parens

  • Paperback £39.00

A guide to preventing children from developing aggressive behaviors from birth through adolescence. Hostile destructive kids become hostile destructive adults and often create serious problems for... (more)

Brain, Mind, and Developmental Psychopathology in Childhood

Brain, Mind, and Developmental Psychopathology in Childhood

Edited by Elena Garralda, Jean-Philippe Raynaud

  • Paperback £48.00

This book aims to help advance knowledge on the connections between brain, mind, and development psychopathology in children and young people, an area of high relevance across different contexts... (more)

Play Therapy and Asperger's Syndrome: Helping Children and Adolescents Grow, Connect, and Heal Through the Art of Play

Play Therapy and Asperger's Syndrome: Helping Children and Adolescents Grow, Connect, and Heal Through the Art of Play

by Kevin B. Hull

  • Hardback £78.00

This book is aimed at the mental health professional (psychologist, licensed counselor, licensed social worker) who utilizes play therapy and who works with children and adolescents diagnosed with... (more)

The Children's Bill of Emotional Rights: A Guide to the Needs of Children

The Children's Bill of Emotional Rights: A Guide to the Needs of Children

by Eileen Johnson

  • Hardback £83.00

There are approximately 7 billion people in the world, and 2 billion of them are children. Children are the last unheard minority, a group whose voice is seldom listened to, and whose rights are... (more)

Ethical Practice in Child and Adolescent Analysis and Psychotherapy: Protecting Safety in a Therapeutic Environment

Ethical Practice in Child and Adolescent Analysis and Psychotherapy: Protecting Safety in a Therapeutic Environment

by Anita G. Schmukler, Paula G. Atkeson

  • Hardback £68.00

Provides a detailed study of ethical dilemmas of the child therapist and the child analyst, whose work with children and their parents presents unique and perplexing problems. The book examines both... (more)

Exploiting Childhood: How Fast Food, Material Obsession and Porn Culture are Creating New Forms of Child Abuse

Exploiting Childhood: How Fast Food, Material Obsession and Porn Culture are Creating New Forms of Child Abuse

Edited by Jim Wild

  • Paperback £19.99

The protection of children today is as challenging as ever, as changes in society and the way we live our lives lead to new forms of exploitation and abuse. This book scrutinises emerging threats to... (more)

Your Defiant Child: Eight Steps to Better Behavior: Second Edition

Your Defiant Child: Eight Steps to Better Behavior: Second Edition

Edited by Russell A. Barkley, Christine M. Benton

  • Paperback £14.99

More than 100,000 families have found a way to end constant power struggles with defiant, aggressive, "impossible" kids, thanks to this accessible bestseller. Leading expert Russell A. Barkley... (more)

Life and Loss: A Guide to Help Grieving Children

Life and Loss: A Guide to Help Grieving Children

by Linda Goldman

  • Paperback £38.99

Many clinicians recognize that denying or ignoring grief issues in children leaves them feeling alone and that acknowledging loss is crucial part of a child's healthy development. Really dealing... (more)

Infant Observation: Creating Transformative Relationships

Infant Observation: Creating Transformative Relationships

Edited by Frances Thomson-Salo

  • Paperback £49.99

Seminal and representative papers have been chosen to illustrate the vital importance of infant observation in psychoanalytic training, tracing influences on the practice of infant observation and... (more)

The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Proven Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind

The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Proven Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind

by Daniel J. Siegel, Tina Payne Bryson

  • Paperback £13.99

In this pioneering, practical book for parents, neuroscientist Daniel J. Siegel and parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson explain the new science of how a child's brain is wired and how it matures.... (more)

Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life for Teens: A Guide to Living an Extraordinary Life

Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life for Teens: A Guide to Living an Extraordinary Life

by Joseph Ciarrochi

  • Paperback £14.99

Hundreds of thousands of people have read Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life to identify the things that are most important to them and give focus and direction to their lives. Get Out of Your... (more)

Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Epidemiology, Risk Factors and Treatment

Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Epidemiology, Risk Factors and Treatment

Edited by Cecilia A. Essau, Franz Petermann

  • Paperback £38.99

Recent years have seen a growing awareness of the common occurrence of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. There has been a parallel increase in the number of studies examining the risk... (more)

Guiding the Child: On the Principles of Individual Psychology

Guiding the Child: On the Principles of Individual Psychology

by Alfred Adler

  • Hardback £170.00

First published in 1930 this book was written under the leadership and inspiration of Alfred Adler. He and a group of physicians and educators organized 28 child guidance clinics in Vienna, Berlin... (more)

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