Developmental deficits in learning and communication in young children are defined as neurodevelopmental disorders. This constellation, newly defined in the DSM-5, represents a range of issues that... (more)
Helicopter parenting and child-centered parenting, two of the latest parenting fads, have resulted in a new generation of highly dependent, overly sensitive children who demonstrate few qualities of... (more)
Mainstream analysts working in the Jungian tradition have largely neglected adolescents. Mara Sidoli and Gustav Bovensiepen remedy that omission by showing how and why psychological and physical... (more)
In England in 2007 Peter Connelly, a 17 month old little boy - known initially in the media reporting as 'Baby P' - died following terrible neglect and abuse. Fifteen months later, his mother, her... (more)
Play Therapy and Asperger's Syndrome: Helping Children and Adolescents Grow, Connect, and Heal Through the Art of Play is for the mental health professional (psychologist, licensed counselor,... (more)
In Healing after Parent Loss in Childhood and Adolescence: Therapeutic Interventions and Theoretical Considerations, experts explore the varied, often complex, and always tragic circumstances under... (more)
Play Therapy and Families: A Collaborative Approach to Healing provides a thorough description of play from prominent academics, researchers, and relevant writers who review it historically. It... (more)
Seeing your child suffer in any way is a harrowing experience for any parent. Mental illness in children can be particularly draining due to the mystery surrounding it, and the issue of diagnosis at... (more)
The Impact of Complex Trauma on Development describes what happens cognitively and emotionally, behaviorally and relationally, to people who are repeatedly traumatized in childhood.
Part One... (more)
Clinicians working with traumatized youth face many challenges in supporting growth and development while addressing the many negative consequences of abuse and neglect. When working with youth in... (more)
This is the first therapy book that focuses on clinical work with youth who construct queer identities (as differentiated from essentialized gay or lesbian identities). It's also the first... (more)
Failure to Launch is a book geared towards helping clinicians work with dependent adult children. The book first attempts to define the problem of failure to launch as well as identify the underlying... (more)
This volume offers very specific illustrations of psychoanalytic ways of thinking and working in both clinical and pedagogical contexts with children. It is designed for professionals who work with... (more)
This Very Short Introduction provides an up-to-date, authoritative, and accessible guide to modern child psychology, from birth to early adolescence. Beginning with infancy, Usha Goswami considers... (more)
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a relatively new diagnostic label which reflects the variability and differentiation of symptomatology among children and youth commonly described as having autistic... (more)
Up to one in ten children may have a clinically significant psychiatric disorder. This book is a comprehensive update on the field of psychiatric disorders in children and young people. Conditions... (more)
The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) is a questionnaire and is a simple means of screening for postnatal depression in health care settings. This is a practical guide to using the scale in... (more)
Depression is one of the most common mental health problems and is estimated to affect around 15 per cent of people at some point during their life. For many people depression is a life-long disorder... (more)
The term ‘pre-autism’ is becoming more widespread as a result of growing awareness of the importance of a child’s first three years of life in diagnosing behaviours which, if untreated, can develop... (more)
As “evidence-based research” on psychodynamic psychotherapy for children and adolescents gains momentum, it seems to be following adult psychiatry in moving increasingly toward biomedical/genetic... (more)
Boredom and boredom avoidance drive the behaviours of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity - the diagnostic criteria of ADHD. This is the first ADHD resource to thoroughly explore the... (more)
Concise and accessible, this plain English guide will help parents and educators to understand and support children with executive function difficulties at home and in the classroom. The author... (more)
Using Stories to Build Bridges with Traumatized Children is full of creative ideas for how you can use stories therapeutically with children in counselling, life story work or direct work.... (more)
Championing the therapeutic power of nature, this book explores why outdoor play therapy offers children more than being confined to a playroom and how practice can be moved into the natural... (more)
Reading and Expressive Writing with Traumatised Children, Young Refugees and Asylum Seekers explores how literature can be used to help young victims cope with their experiences. The process of... (more)
The standard reference in the field, this acclaimed work synthesizes findings from hundreds of carefully selected studies of mental health treatments for children and adolescents. Chapters on... (more)
A trusted course text and professional resource, this comprehensive book delves into all aspects of planning and conducting strengths-based group work with adolescents. In an accessible,... (more)
Highly practical and accessible, this book shows how to synthesize complex information about child and adolescent mental health problems into clinically useful, dynamic case formulations. Strategies... (more)
For many researchers, clinicians, teachers, patients, and family members, the discourse on ADHD has been occurring in silos. Traditional ADHD camps are organized primarily in terms of neurological... (more)
Why Love Matters explains why loving relationships are essential to brain development in the early years, and how these early interactions can have lasting consequences for future emotional and... (more)