Child and Adolescent Studies Books

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Supporting Parents: Messages from Research

Supporting Parents: Messages from Research

by David Quinton

  • Print £29.99

"Supporting Parents" explores the range of supports that parents find effective and how those supports might be improved or better mobilized. It draws from studies on the general population as well... (more)

The Terrible Teens: What Every Parent Needs to Know

The Terrible Teens: What Every Parent Needs to Know

by Kate Figes

  • Print £16.99

In The Terrible Teens, chapters on mood swings, how teenagers think, reducing conflict, family living, the importance of friendships, life at school, sex, drink and drugs provide parents with the... (more)

Assessing Children's Needs and Circumstances: The Impact of the Assessment Framework

Assessing Children's Needs and Circumstances: The Impact of the Assessment Framework

Edited by Hedy Cleaver, Pamela Meadows

  • Paperback £27.99

Cleaver and Walker show how the principles embodied in the assessment framework have actually been applied in childcare provision. They lay out clear implications for practitioners and managers,... (more)

Sibling Relationships: Theory and Issues for Practice

Sibling Relationships: Theory and Issues for Practice

by Robert Sanders

  • Paperback £38.99

The impact of sibling relationships on how we develop has been dramatically underemphasized in the literature on child development. (more)

Mental Health Services for Minority Ethnic Children and Adolescents

Mental Health Services for Minority Ethnic Children and Adolescents

Edited by Mhemooda Malek, Carol Joughin

  • Print £23.99

Bringing together current research on mental health services for children from minority ethnic backgrounds, this much-needed resource provides guidance for both practice and policy. (more)

Counselling Young People: Person-Centred Dialogues

Counselling Young People: Person-Centred Dialogues

by Richard Bryant-Jefferies

  • Paperback £31.99

This text provides insight into the work of counsellors in helping young people cope in schools, colleges, universities, surgeries and hospitals, social services and charities. It uses dialogue to... (more)

The Cultural Nature of Human Development:

The Cultural Nature of Human Development:

by Barbara Rogoff

  • Print £26.49

This text presents an account of human development that looks at both the differences and similarities among cultures. Beyond demonstrating that "culture matters," Rogoff focuses on how culture... (more)

Different Minds: Gifted Children with AD/HD, Asperger Syndrome, and Other Learning Deficits

Different Minds: Gifted Children with AD/HD, Asperger Syndrome, and Other Learning Deficits

by Deirdre V. Lovecky

  • Print £30.99

Recognising the different levels and kinds of giftedness, this book provides an insight into the challenges and benefits specific to gifted children with attention difficulties. (more)

Twins and Multiple Births: The Essential Parenting Guide from Pregnancy to Adulthood

Twins and Multiple Births: The Essential Parenting Guide from Pregnancy to Adulthood

by Robert G. Cooper

  • Paperback £19.99

Having more than one baby at once can test the endurance of even the most calm and experienced parents. This inspiring and enlightening parenting guide, by a practising GP and mother of twins, will... (more)

Children Who Fail To Thrive: A Practice Guide

Children Who Fail To Thrive: A Practice Guide

by Dorota Iwaniec

  • Paperback £42.75

This book is essential reading for every professional working with children who fail to thrive, such as social workers, health visitors, nurses, paediatricians, psychologists and child care workers. (more)

Posttraumatic Stress Disorders in Children and Adolescents [Handbook]

Posttraumatic Stress Disorders in Children and Adolescents [Handbook]

Edited by Raul R. Silva

  • Print £18.00

Posttraumatic Stress Disorders in Children and Adolescents is an expert guide to the most salient issues pertaining to PTSD, stress, trauma, and the concurrent conditions that affect children and... (more)

Emotional Healing and Self-Esteem: Inner-life Skills of Relaxation, Visualisation and Meditation for Children and Adolescents

Emotional Healing and Self-Esteem: Inner-life Skills of Relaxation, Visualisation and Meditation for Children and Adolescents

by Mark Pearson

  • Paperback £24.99

How can we build children's self-esteem and sense of well being? This book aims to guide teachers, youth workers, counsellors and parents through a range of accessible personal development exercises... (more)

The Cradle of Thought: Exploring the Origins of Thinking

The Cradle of Thought: Exploring the Origins of Thinking

by Peter Hobson

  • Paperback £12.99

The author refutes the notion that thinking is turned on by biologically pre-determined "modules" in the brain, but that it arises from the nature and quality of the relationship between parent and... (more)

Anorexia and Bulimia in the Family: One Parent's Practical Guide to Recovery

Anorexia and Bulimia in the Family: One Parent's Practical Guide to Recovery

by Shubulade Smith

  • Paperback £22.75

This is the story of one family's struggle with a daughter with an eating disorder. Candid, insightful and informative, it details the onset and symptoms of AN/BN, the effects on family life and... (more)

Handbook of Eating Disorders and Obesity

Handbook of Eating Disorders and Obesity

by Chalmer E. Thompson, Robert T Carter

  • Print £90.00

Featuring contributions from an international group of experts, the "Handbook of Eating Disorders and Obesity" is a broad-based resource that explores the major classifications of eating disorders:... (more)

The Presence of the Therapist: Treating Childhood Trauma

The Presence of the Therapist: Treating Childhood Trauma

by Monica Lanyado

  • Paperback £35.99

The Presence of the Therapist uses clinical studies based on the author's publications over the past 18 years to illustrate work with severely distressed children. The reader is encouraged to enter a... (more)

Counselling Children, Adolescents and Families

Counselling Children, Adolescents and Families

by John Sharry

  • Print £37.99

Counselling Children, Adolescents and Families describes an innovative approach to therapeutic work which builds on the strengths of children and their parents. As the author's experience shows,... (more)

Stepping Out: Using Games and Activities to Help Your Child with Special Needs

Stepping Out: Using Games and Activities to Help Your Child with Special Needs

by Sarah Newman

  • Paperback £21.99

Parents and carers of children with conditions such as autism, Down's Syndrome or other forms of developmental delay can do much to help encourage their childs development. Stepping Out provides... (more)

Doing Research with Children and Young People

Doing Research with Children and Young People

Edited by Sandy Fraser

  • Print £35.99

Doing Research with Children and Young People introduces researchers to the key considerations involved in working with children and young people. The book highlights issues which arise at... (more)

Key Papers from the Journal of Child Psychotherapy

Key Papers from the Journal of Child Psychotherapy

Edited by Paul S. Barrows

  • Paperback £32.99

Papers previously not easily attainable are grouped thematically to cover the entire range of work represented in the journal, and presented in one volume accessible to students and professionals... (more)

The Adolescent with Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD)

The Adolescent with Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD)

by Amanda Kirby

  • Print £17.99

Amanda Kirby addresses the main difficulties encountered by adolescents with DCD, including building relationships and coping with secondary school. With a common-sense approach, she provides a... (more)

Brothers and Sisters of Disabled Children

Brothers and Sisters of Disabled Children

by Peter Burke

  • Print £27.99

Examining the overlooked subject of non-disabled siblings in families where there is a disabled child, this volume details the experiences of these children and explores what it means to them to have... (more)

Educating our Black Children: New Directions and Radical Approaches

Educating our Black Children: New Directions and Radical Approaches

Edited by Richard Majors

  • Print £36.99

Exclusion and expulsion of black children from schools is endemic in the US and the UK. This book takes a long hard look at the two countries and uncovers what they can learn from each other in their... (more)

Handbook of Interventions That Work with Children and Adolescents: Prevention and Treatment

Handbook of Interventions That Work with Children and Adolescents: Prevention and Treatment

by Paula M. Barrett, Thomas H. Ollendick

  • Hardback £177.75

Handbook of Interventions that Work with Children and Adolescents, considers evidence-based practice to assess the developmental issues, aetiology, epidemiology, assessment, treatment, and prevention... (more)

Governing Child Sexual Abuse: Negotiating the Boundaries of Public and Private, Law and Science

Governing Child Sexual Abuse: Negotiating the Boundaries of Public and Private, Law and Science

by Samantha Ashenden

  • Print £42.99

The turn of the 1990s saw a number of high profile public inquiries into the handling of child sexual abuse cases in Great Britain. Governing Child Sexual Abuse examines the implications of these... (more)

Studies in the Assessment of Parenting

Studies in the Assessment of Parenting

Edited by Peter Reder, Clare Lucey

  • Paperback £39.99

Studies in the Assessment of Parenting brings together experts who consider difficult questions that can arise during family proceedings, and respond with practical approaches for dealing with these... (more)

After adoption: Contact and relationships

After adoption: Contact and relationships

by Timothy B. Smith

  • Print £44.99

Providing a comprehensive understanding of adoption issues and based on research with a large number of adoptive parents, children and birth relatives, "After Adoption" considers the impact of direct... (more)

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