From Pain to Violence: The Traumatic Roots of Destructiveness: Second Edition

Book Details
- Publisher : Whurr Publishers
- Published : 2006
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 416
- Category :
Trauma and Violence - Category 2 :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 1081
- ISBN 13 : 9780470019368
- ISBN 10 : 0470019360
Table of Contents
Part I - Attachment Gone Wrong
1. A case of violence
2. The myth of original sin and the death instinct
3. Aggression and violence
4. From attunement to attachment and the trauma of loss
5. The psychobiological roots of violence
6. Secure and insecure attachments in the formation of the self
7. Self and other
8. In defence of the self
Part II - The Psychobiology of Trauma
9. The unspeakable: child sexual abuse
10. Psychological trauma and attachment
11. From psychological trauma to violence and psychiatric illness
Part III - The Prevalence of Psychological Trauma
12. Cultures and violence
13. The dehumanisation of the ‘other’
14. The traumatic origins of legitimate violence
15. Love and hate
Epilogue: And what about terrorism?