Explorations in Fatherland: Psychotherapeutic Reflections on Fathers and Fatherhood

Author(s) : Judith Edwards

Explorations in Fatherland: Psychotherapeutic Reflections on Fathers and Fatherhood

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 170
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 97870
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032859569
  • ISBN 10 : 1032859563

Reviews and Endorsements

Having already treated us to a truly original and highly engaging study about grandmotherhood, Dr. Judith Edwards has now provided us with a remarkably rich and comprehensive examination of the psychology of fatherhood. Drawing upon centuries of insights from poets, novelists, musicians, historians, scientists, and psychoanalysts, and brimming with many of her own memorable clinical insights, Edwards has crafted a creative exploration, which will be of deep relevance not only to every male who has, or will, become a father but, also, to every human being who might well be the child of a father.
Professor Brett Kahr is senior fellow at the Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology in London, and honorary director of research at the Freud Museum London, as well as visiting professor of psychoanalysis and mental health at Regent’s University London

Judith Edwards has a gift for revealing the meaning in everyday events. She also has a gift for making links between clinical work and the insights of novelists, poets, scientists and others. This book on fathers, bringing together testimony from so many different sources, will be of interest to clinicians, but also to anyone concerned with what it means to be human. A worthy successor to Grandmotherland.
Maria Rhode, professor emeritus of child psychotherapy, Tavistock Clinic and child analyst, British Psycho-Analytical Society

Judith Edwards writes “Once you start talking you don't know what you’ll say”, and this is the result. You will not find any other book on fathers like this; a marvellous essay by an experienced and original psychoanalytical psychotherapist who wants to “set people’s mind wandering”.
It contains poignant personal stories of their fathers from many contributors, plus Edwards’ associations from literature, poetry, science, history, art, feminist philosophy, politics, film, music, broadcasting, and psychoanalysis.
Dr Edwards has succeeded brilliantly in her “invitation to colleagues to carve out their own pathways.
Dr Sebastian Kraemer, honorary consultant, Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust

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