Children Recovering from Complex Trauma: From Wound to Scar

Author(s) : Nicole Vliegen, Author(s) : Eileen Tang, Author(s) : Patrick Meurs

Children Recovering from Complex Trauma: From Wound to Scar

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Reviews and Endorsements

"It is fair to say that psychotherapists and mental health professionals do not always show a capacity to translate their clinical knowledge into a language that can be understood by parents, carers and others involved with the care of children. But in this invaluable book, Nicole Vliegen and her colleagues manage to share the deep understanding they have developed, over many years, of children who have experienced early maltreatment and trauma, and give us an insight into how therapy can help to support them. The book is both realistic about the challenges these children and their families face, but also life-affirming. They describe the ways in which these children can be helped to evolve a self-narrative from "wounded and traumatised" to "scarred but liveable", and they do so in a language that will be accessible to all those adults who may accompany these children on their life-long journey." - Nick Midgley, Professor of Psychological Therapies with Children and Young People, Anna Freud Centre and UCL, London, UK.

"Tragically, this is a timely and much needed volume. With so much discord and unrest around the world, many children are experiencing prolonged and complex trauma. The authors have extensive experience working with children and families whose lives are coloured by trauma. They give readers a window on how trauma gets into the body and how their sophisticated, empathic approaches to treatment are impactful and lasting. Everyone working with vulnerable children will find this book invaluable." - Linda Mayes, Arnold Gesell Professor Child Psychiatry, Pediatrics, and Psychiatry, Yale Child Study Center, Yale School of Medicine, USA.

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