Supporting Trans People of Colour: How to Make Your Practice Inclusive

Author(s) : Sabah Choudrey

Supporting Trans People of Colour: How to Make Your Practice Inclusive

Book Details

  • Publisher : Jessica Kingsley
  • Published : 2022
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 208
  • Category :
    Individual Psychotherapy
  • Catalogue No : 96378
  • ISBN 13 : 9781787750593
  • ISBN 10 : 9781787750

Reviews and Endorsements

"This highly accessible and important book breaks free from overwhelmingly white trans-narratives that indelibly link queerness to whiteness. Choudrey skilfully brings gender fluidity within Asia, Africa and the Americas, with its relationship to colonialism and the British Empire, out of the shadows." - Eugene Ellis, Author of The Race Conversation.

"A much needed resource for all individuals, groups and organisations looking to become more inclusive of trans people of colour. After a helpful primer on key concepts and language, Sabah Choudrey succinctly summarises the impact of intersecting axes of oppression, and sets out clearly what we need to do - from self reflection to systemic change - in order to cultivate safer spaces and practices. A deeply helpful and engaging read from start to finish. Sabah's writing style is accessible, informative and engaging, which is the perfect combination for a book with this mission. Sabah eases you in with succinct and clear explanations of key concepts within intersectionality, and by the end you will feel you have the tools to enact positive change into people's lives around you." - Meg-John Barker, author of How To Understand Your Gender

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