The Body of the Group: Sexuality and Gender in Group Analysis

Author(s) : Daniel Anderson

The Body of the Group: Sexuality and Gender in Group Analysis

Book Details

  • Publisher : Karnac Books
  • Published : 2021
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 260
  • Category :
    Group Psychotherapy
  • Catalogue No : 95905
  • ISBN 13 : 9781912691906
  • ISBN 10 : 9781912691

Reviews and Endorsements

If it takes courage and clarity for an individual to know their shadows and to embrace change, this is equally true for organisations, like psychotherapy institutions. Daniel Anderson’s book, written with courage and clarity, beautifully deconstructs many of the assumptions and (dubious) comforts of our historical orthodoxies as group analysts. In the words of gay pioneer Harvey Milk, “once you have dialogue starting, you know you can break down prejudice”.
Martin Weegmann, psychologist, group analyst, and author

This is a well-written, well-informed, and well-argued academic book. I highly recommend it as a textbook for all course modules on gender and sexuality. It should be essential reading for teaching trainees on psychotherapy and group analytic trainings. It would also be highly relevant to those training to work in the field of couple counselling and family therapy and as a reference book for clinical supervisors.
Margaret Smith, group analyst, psychodynamic psychotherapist, and former course convenor of the Institute of Group Analysis supervision course.
Jackie Stacey, Professor of Media and Cultural Studies and Director of the Centre for the Study of Sexuality and Culture, The University of Manchester

Daniel Anderson has started a much needed conversation around sexuality and gender and respectfully challenged the complacency we all, including institutions, fall into. We need to take responsibility for addressing the gaps we have in analytic training around difference. Our training as therapists centres around language and putting words to often very difficult and sensitive situations, yet we have struggled to challenge traditional thoughts around what is normative and we continue to normalise dated and dangerous language around sexuality.
Baljit Kaur, group analyst and social worker

Daniel Anderson’s book breathes a broad orientation in gay, lesbian and gender issues, in which both the discourse analysis of Michel Foucault and the theory of sexuality and identity of Jacques Lacan play a central role. This approach comes in handy in the practice of group psychoanalysis to get a better grip on problems and questions about the own sexual identity of the group members. The book pays also extensive attention to the political and social aspects of gay, lesbian and gender issues. The author understands the art of explaining in a clear language some more complex concepts about sexuality and discourse analysis. He will reach a wide audience with this book.
Jos de Kroon, Psychiatrist, Lacanian psychoanalyst, former head of psychiatric specialisation, and author

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