Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Basics and Beyond: Third Edition

Book Details
- Publisher : Guilford Press
- Published : 2020
- Cover : Hardback
- Pages : 414
- Category :
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapies - Catalogue No : 95322
- ISBN 13 : 9781462544196
- ISBN 10 : 9781462544
Reviews and Endorsements
"Given the tremendous amount of new research and expansion of ideas that continue to move the field in exciting new directions, I applaud the efforts to expand this volume to incorporate some of the different ways of conceptualizing and treating our clients.... . Even CBT therapists who are skilled at delivering traditional CBT should find this book quite helpful in adopting a strengths-based approach, sharpening their conceptualization skills, expanding their repertoire of therapeutic techniques, planning more effective treatment, and troubleshooting difficulties in therapy....The purpose of Dr. Judith Beck's book is to educate, to teach, and to train both the novice and the experienced therapist in CBT, and she has succeeded admirably in this mission."--from the Foreword by Aaron T. Beck, MD, University Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania.
"This thoroughly revised third edition provides a systematic bird's-eye view of the method and thinking of an experienced, gifted CBT practitioner. Beck's conversational tone is welcoming and reassuring. The text includes transcripts, reflection questions, practice exercises, and clinical tips for the learner. It seamlessly incorporates contemporary elements of CBT, including mindfulness and the consideration of patient strengths, aspirations, and values. Beginning practitioners will find the rubrics for considering stuck points in therapy and performing good evaluations to be invaluable. This book is a 'must' for anyone interested in learning more about both the micro-skills of CBT and the big picture of thoughtful and reflective therapeutic practice." - Donna M. Sudak, MD, Professor of Psychiatry and Vice Chair for Education, Drexel University-Tower Health Medical Group.
"CBT is exploding in all directions. Before exploring far-off territories, I recommend learners start here! 'Basic' is defined as 'forming an essential foundation or starting point; fundamental,' which describes this book perfectly. It is an ideal text for graduate students learning CBT and for practitioners at all levels of experience who are new to CBT and want to learn the foundational principles and practices of this important psychotherapy model." -Jacqueline B. Persons, PhD, Director, Oakland Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center; Clinical Professor, Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley.
"My students regularly comment that Beck's book is their favorite of all the texts in our course. She creates a relationship with readers that increases their ability to understand and apply information from the text, just like a therapeutic alliance facilitates the patient's incorporation of new data in therapy. Any student of psychology can pick up the third edition and get a full understanding of the nature, scope, structure, and strengths of CBT." - Laird Bridgman, PsyD, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Irvine, California; private practice, Lake Forest, California.
"I am delighted to see the third edition of this classic work, which includes a positive, strengths-based perspective for clinicians working with people who struggle with significant mental health problems. Focusing on individual values, goals, strengths, and resources, and on newer evidence-based cognitive and behavioral strategies, will surely benefit patients and their families. This essential resource with clear examples will enhance the practice skills of psychologists, social workers, psychiatric nurses, psychiatrists, licensed mental health practitioners, and their students."- Gail Steketee, PhD, Professor and Dean Emerita, Boston University School of Social Work
"The third edition of Judith Beck's classic text builds on the legacy of prior editions by including positive, recovery-based methods; mindfulness; and other newer developments that make it even more valuable to students and clinicians. Beck's inspiring therapy with her clients shines through and gives readers a feast of practical examples of how to put CBT into action. A leading force in the practice and evolution of CBT, Beck has given us a book to treasure." - Jesse H. Wright, MD, PhD, Kolb Endowed Chair of Outpatient Psychiatry and Director, Depression Center, University of Louisville School of Medicine.