Integrative Gestalt Practice: Transforming our Ways of Working with People
Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2015
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 240
- Category :
Gestalt Therapy - Category 2 :
Individual Psychotherapy - Catalogue No : 36647
- ISBN 13 : 9781782202516
- ISBN 10 : 178220251X
Reviews and Endorsements
‘A very important but nowadays too-often overlooked psychotherapy system interpreted using a cutting-edge integrative model, with novel and important results. Highly recommended!’
— Ken Wilber, author of The Integral Vision
‘This book lights up gestalt therapy with its insightful perspective, and integrates a wide range of human experience with the practicality of therapeutic techniques.’
— Erving Polster, author of Beyond Therapy
'The authors do an excellent job of exploring some of the key issues inherent in field theory as it is resident in gestalt therapy. I appreciate the way they developed it, which is intelligent, comprehensive, and logically friendly. This treatment of field theory will be of interest to gestalt therapists, and the focus of their use of Wilber’s categories, metaphors, and illustrations is a helpful stimulus for thought. I also appreciate their distinction between a constructionist and a more critical realist perspective as it might be encountered in field theory. In grappling with the quadrant model, gestalt therapists could benefit from the discipline of differentiation and non- gestalt therapists might find it quite “user-friendly”. This book will make a useful contribution to the field in gestalt therapy, and outside of the field of gestalt therapy, the integrative perspective will be of interest to the many people engaged in integrative approaches. I know of no other book advocating such a gestalt integrative approach. ’
— Philip Brownell, Author of Gestalt therapy: A Guide to Contemporary Practice