Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Groups

Book Details
- Publisher : Guilford Press
- Published : 2009
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 464
- Category :
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapies - Category 2 :
Group Psychotherapy - Catalogue No : 29100
- ISBN 13 : 9781606234044
- ISBN 10 : 1606234048
Reviews and Endorsements
This impressive volume richly details the challenges and rewards of providing cognitive-behavioral therapy in a multiperson context. Group leaders, who face the demanding task of structuring therapeutic content while simultaneously leaving room for therapeutic process, will find themselves ably supported by the authors' sophisticated integrative philosophy and clinically astute suggestions. This book will set the standard for group-based CBT for years to come.
- Zindel V. Segal, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Canada
"An outstanding example of evidence-based practice. I would definitely use this book in a graduate psychotherapy course."
- Debra A. Hope, Anxiety Disorders Clinic, Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA
"The book is a must-read for beginning group therapists, providing in-depth coverage on how to perform behavioral strategies in a group, establish group rules, interact with problem members, work with a cotherapist, and decide between sticking with the agenda versus pursuing unplanned group interaction...We wholeheartedly recommend this book."
- International Journal of Group Psychotherapy
"This is the book I would have liked to be able to read when I started running CBT groups sixteen years ago...This is a considerably more sophisticated approach to group CBT than has previously been available in the literature...Will be a very valuable resource for professionals setting up and running CBT groups for a wide range of clients, as well as for professionals supervising CBT groups."
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Book Reviews
Part I: General Principles and Practice of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Groups. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Groups: Possibilities and Challenges. Group Processes in CBT: Using Group Dynamics Productively. Cognitive Strategies in CBT Groups. Behavioral Strategies in CBT Groups. Basic Structure and Implementation of CBT Groups. Overcoming Obstacles in CBT Groups: Challenges and Problems in Group Structure. Part II: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Groups for Specific Disorders. Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia. Obsessive--Compulsive Disorder. Social Anxiety Disorder. Depression. Bipolar Disorder. Eating Disorders. Rotgers, Nguyen, Substance Abuse. Freeman, Stewart, Personality Disorders. Roberts, Pinkham, Penn, Schizophrenia. Part III: Comorbidity and Future Directions. Comorbidity and CBT Groups. The FAQs of CBT Group Intervention.