The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: Psychoanalytic Approaches

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2009
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 480
- Category :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Category 2 :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 28826
- ISBN 13 : 9780415463690
- ISBN 10 : 0415463696
Reviews and Endorsements
Table of Contents
Part I: Theoretical Foundations. The Roots of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy in Psychoanalysis. Normal Emotional Development. Contributions from Attachment Theory and Research. The Contribution from Neuroscience. Research in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: An Overview.
Part II: Context. The Child Psychotherapist in the Multi-disciplinary Team. Race and Cultural Issues. The International Scene.
Part III: Diversity of Treatments and Settings. The Therapeutic Setting and Process. Individual Psychotherapy: Assessment, Intensive and Non-intensive Work. Brief Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Consultations. How Much Therapy is 'Good-Enough'? Work with Parents. Parent-infant Psychotherapy. Group Psychotherapy. Working within Schools and Educational Settings. The Challenges of In-patient Work in a Therapeutic Community. Consultation within Residential Care.
Part IV: Areas of Specialist Interest. Child Psychotherapy for Children on the Autistic Spectrum. Psychotherapy with Severely Traumatised Children and Adolescents: 'Far Beyond Words.' Psychotherapy for Children Looked After by Local Authorities. Working with Foster Carers. Sexual Abuse and Sexual Abusing in Childhood and Adolescence. The Roots of Violence: Theory and Implications for Technique with Children and Adolescents. Work with Children and Adolescents Exposed to Political Violence. Delinquency. Mondadori, Working with People with Eating Disorders: 'What If I Die Without Knowing Why?' Gender Identity Dysphoria.