Emotion and the Psychodynamics of the Cerebellum: A Neuro-Psychoanalytic Analysis and Synthesis

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2009
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 274
- Category :
Neuroscience - Category 2 :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 26157
- ISBN 13 : 9781855755772
- ISBN 10 : 1855755777
Reviews and Endorsements
It is hoped this book will help our understanding of emotion psychoanalytically, if we patiently delineate the complex picture of the human experience of emotion and integrate this with the efforts of brain scientists and psychoanalysts to understand how the mind-view of emotion and the brain-view of emotion connect. In the belief that the cerebellum plays a decisive role in emotion, this book tries to convey this newest part of the story of emotion and the cerebellum with the utmost clarity and accuracy.
'More than a backup system for brain programs, the cerebellum creates shadow models of other parts of the brain, opening possibilities of its managing the interweaving of explicit and implicit memory, parsing the domains and structures of Freud's topographic and structural systems, and deciding to bring limbic emotion towards action meaning. An introductory critique of the neuropsychoanalytic movement thus far progresses in the patient and stately exposition of a master bridge builder.'
- David V. Forrest, MD, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
'As one of the pioneers of neuro-psychoanalysis, Fred Levin shows the immense importance of this new perspective in elucidating the special integrative role of the cerebellum. In its enterprise, neuroscience has mainly focused on higher cortical functions. It is time to correct the 150-year bias, and Levin does it splendidly, taking into account cognition, emotion, memory, learning and action in relation to the "psychodynamics of the cerebellum." He also encourages his readers to proceed in the exploration of knowledge, anticipating surprises in further research.'
- Professor Juhani Ihanus, PhD
'By focusing upon the cerebellum, Levin has connected psychoanalytic perspectives, such as the Freudian unconscious, and neuroscientific perspectives on conscious and non-conscious neural networking. Attention is given to both explicit and implicit memory systems, and the need for their integration as well. And credit is properly given to Ito Masao for his brilliant appreciation and elaborations of how the cerebellum becomes for each of us a decisive part of our emotions, our adaptive learning, and our very self.'
- Professor Hans-Dieter Klein, Austrian Academy of Sciences
'Levin's careful consideration of the cerebellum offers a new insight in correlating and comprehending mind and brain and its perplexing byproduct-emotion.'
- Shawn Lee, Resources
'The specialist who is willing to take the time and effort to unpack Levin's complex neuro-psychoanalytic thinking will be rewarded by his bold and creative work. His view of the cerebellum and emotion, if supported by further evidence, ought to have an important impact on the field.'
- Charles P. Fisher, International Journal of Psychoanalysis
1. Sleep and Dreaming, Part 1
2. Sleep and Dreaming, Part 2
3. A neuro-psychoanalytic theory of emotion, Part 1
4. A neuro-psychoanalytic theory of
emotion, Part 2
5. Synapses, cytokines and long-term
memory network
6. Recent neuroscience discoveries, and protein pathway
7. Introduction to the Cerebellum (CB)
8. When might the CB be Involved in
Modeling the Limbic system, the SEEKING system, and other systems?
9. The CB Contribution to Affect, and the Affect Contribution to the CB
10. Review, Summary, and Conclusions