Working Below the Surface: The Emotional Life of Contemporary Organizations

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2004
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 272
- Category :
Organisational Psychology - Catalogue No : 17704
- ISBN 13 : 9781855752948
- ISBN 10 : 1855752948
Reviews and Endorsements
'This is a book for people who are serious about understanding what really goes on in organisations, not at the superficial level of so many business books, but "below the surface". It gives insight into the fragmentation of organisational life, and explores the impact on individuals' emotions, inter-personal relationships, the culture and the relationship between these levels. The blending of simple real-life examples of the coaching work TCS have done, with theoretical frameworks from the worlds of psychoanalysis, systems thinking and group dynamics, helps the reader to relate it back to their own organisation without losing the power of the academic/scientific theory.'
- Martyn Wilks, European Vice President, Personnel and Organisation, Mars Incorporated
'Read this book! The members of the Tavistock Consultancy Service are building a new psychodynamic framework for consulting in networked world. They are asking how individuals build relationships when work is temporary and organizations transitory. They define the enterprise as a passionate and enlivening setting that remains psychologically whole even when the organization changes. And lastly, through their rich and varied case studies they explore how a consultant helps a client respond creatively in the face of necessary losses and irreducible uncertainty. A wonderful menu, a satisfying meal.'
- Larry Hirschhorn, Principal, Centre for Applied Research (CFAR), Philadelphia, USA and author of Reworking Authority: Leading and Following in a Post-Modern Age