The Ecosystem of Group Relations: Culture, Gender and Identity in Groups and Organizations

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2023
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 204
- Category :
Group Psychotherapy - Category 2 :
Organisational Psychology - Catalogue No : 97074
- ISBN 13 : 9780367370725
- ISBN 10 : 0367370727
About the Editor(s)
Coreene Archer is a Principal Consultant and Executive Coach at the Tavistock Institute. Coreene’s interest lies in the study of leadership and identity. Her works have expanded Group Relations ideas to include work with emergent young leaders. Coreene teaches a number of programmes and her work has expanded Group Relations ideas to include work with young and emergent leaders.
Rachel Kelly is a Principal, Engagement/PR lead, and Group Relations Consultant and at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. She explores relatedness between the unconscious and consciousness and journeys into the psychophysical by exploring concepts such as embodiment, sensation, and imagination.
Gordon Strauss is a Psychiatrist who has practiced and taught Group Relations for over 40 years. He is a Fellow and Board member of the A. K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems.
Joseph Triest is a Training Psychoanalyst (IPS; IPA), Clinical Psychologist and Organisational Consultant. He is the head of the “Freud and Followers Root” at the Tel-Aviv University Psychotherapy Program and past President of the Israel Psychoanalytic Society.