Lacanian Psychoanalysis between the Child and the Other

Author(s) : Liora Stavchansky

Lacanian Psychoanalysis between the Child and the Other

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About the Author(s)

Liora Stavchansky is a psychoanalyst and a master in psychoanalytic theory from the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Psicoanalíticos (CIEP). She has a Masters Degree in Children´s Literature Studies at the University of Warwick. England, and holds a PhD in Psychoanalysis from the Colegio de Psicoanálisis Lacaniano in México. Her practice is divided between the psychoanalytic clinic and teaching at several universities and institutions. She was a member of Red Analítica Lacaniana (REAL), and belongs to the Escuela de la Letra Psicoanalítica (ESLEP). She has published Tejiendo la clínica: entre el niño y el Otro, Los niños y la literatura infantil, Bordes de lo infantil, Reinventar el psicoanálisis (with Luciano Lutereau), Autismo y cuerpo: El lenguaje en los trazos de la perfección, and Infancias: entre espectros y trastornos (with Gisela Untoiglich).

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