The Subject of Lacan: A Lacanian reader for psychologists

Book Details
- Publisher : State University of New York Press
- Published : 2000
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 388
- Category :
Lacanian Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 1849
- ISBN 13 : 9780791446249
- ISBN 10 : 0791446247
About the Editor(s)
Kareen Malone is a member of Après-Coup in New York City. She is professor of psychology at the University of West Georgia and director of the Doctoral Program. A fellow of the American Psychological Association, Professor Malone has co-edited two volumes on Lacanian Psychoanalysis. She trained with Groupe Interdisciplinaire Freudienne pour Recherches et d'Interventions Clinique et Culturelles. She is author and co-author of numerous articles on Lacanian psychoanalysis and critical psychology. She is 2010 President of Division 24 of the American Psychological Association.