C.G. Jung's Collected Works: The Basics

Author(s) : Ann Yeoman, Author(s) : Kevin Lu

Part of The Basics series - more in this series

C.G. Jung's Collected Works: The Basics

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : December 2023
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 264
  • Category :
    Jung and Analytical Psychology
  • Catalogue No : 97372
  • ISBN 13 : 9781138667013
  • ISBN 10 : 1138667013
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This new introduction to Jung’s Collected Works – written in lively and accessible style – provides a comprehensive guide to key concepts in analytical (Jungian) psychology while charting the creative evolution of Jung’s thought through his own words.

Invaluable to both beginners and those more experienced with Jungian theory, this book provides tables listing key readings for further study of the Collected Works, clear explication of fundamental principles, chapter summaries, prompts for deepening a critical engagement with Jung’s texts, a glossary of key terms, and suggestions for further reading.

This text will be an invaluable introduction for those coming to the Collected Works for the first time as well as a useful reference for readers familiar with the collection.

Reviews and Endorsements

This is exactly what we need! A beginner’s introduction to analytical psychology which guides us through Jung’s own words. For too long some have complained that Jung’s Collected Works is obscure and confusing. Now Yeoman and Lu have given us this brilliant, compact book.
Christopher Hauke, Jungian analyst, London (S.A.P.) and New York (J.P.A.)

This book explains the whole of Jung’s psychological theory clearly, concisely, and with optimal reference to the authority of Jung’s own words. Remaining sensitive to the complexity and nuances of the many texts they survey, Yeoman and Lu’s engagingly narrated journey through Jung’s Collected Works provides the securest of foundations for deeper engagement with one of the culturally most important bodies of thought of the twentieth century.
Professor Roderick Main, University of Essex, UK

The Collected Works of C.G. Jung: The Basics succeeds in making the rich terrain of Jung’s writing navigable while never reducing its true-to-psyche complexities. Essential reading for Jungians old and new, it presents the seminal ideas as evolving by exploring that which modernity has shorn, rejected, lost or devalued.'
Professor Susan Rowland, PhD, author with Joel Weishaus of 'Jungian Arts-Based Research and the Nuclear Enchantment of New Mexico (2021)

'There’s no way round it. You have to get into the Collected Works if you are serious about understanding Jung. But that isn’t easy at all. No accessible guides exist to the massive collection of erudite, challenging and illuminating volumes. Now we have an exceptional, basic guide to the actual writings. You will find it reliable, readable and, at times, critical. The book is suitable for a variety of teaching contexts, both clinical and academic. And, for those into Jung who are on their own journey, it will be incredibly useful.'
Professor Andrew Samuels, author of 'Jung and the Post-Jungians'

These days we need more than ever to understand the ideas of C.G. Jung, yet the sheer size of his Collected Works can deter some readers from engaging with his complex (and often subtle) thought. Beyond the soundbites, the misrepresentations and the misprisions, The Collected Works of C.G. Jung: The Basics offers a sound and reliable account of a body of work that speaks to us more urgently than ever before. Essential reading for new as well as seasoned readers of Jung.
Professor Paul Bishop, PhD, William Jacks Chair of Modern Languages, University of Glasgow

The Collected Works of C. G. Jung: The Basics by Drs. Lu and Yeoman offers a clear, concise, and well synthesized presentation of the whole of Jung’s collected works. Responsive to the expanding body of scholarship of the past 25 years in Jungian studies, the authors provide a remarkable, interwoven tapestry revealing the trajectory of the threads of Jung’s key concepts. Tables provided throughout the book generate a wonderful map of this tapestry and will be of great use to students and researchers.
Joe Cambray, PhD, Past-President, Pacifica, Graduate Institute

Table of Contents

1. The Germination of C.G. Jung's Interests and Ideas
2. Jung, Freud and the Development of Jung's work on Personality Types
3. Jung's Model of the Psyche (1)
4. Jung's Model of the Psyche (2)
5. The Dynamics of the Psyche

About the Author(s)

Ann Yeoman, PhD, is a Jungian Analyst with 25 years’ clinical experience. She served as Dean of Students (New College, University of Toronto), developed and taught Jungian Studies courses, and directed a minor programme (Paradigms and Archetypes). She now practises in Devon.

Kevin Lu, PhD, is Professor of Applied Psychoanalysis and Head of Department (Practice) at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London.

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