Life After a Rare Brain Tumour and Supplementary Motor Area Syndrome: Awake Behind Closed Eyes

Author(s) : Alex Jelly, Author(s) : Adel Helmy, Author(s) : Barbara A. Wilson

Part of After Brain Injury: Survivor Stories series - more in this series

Life After a Rare Brain Tumour and Supplementary Motor Area Syndrome: Awake Behind Closed Eyes

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : December 2019
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 158
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
    Bargain and Discounted Titles
  • Catalogue No : 94892
  • ISBN 13 : 9780367085421
  • ISBN 10 : 9780367085

Also by Barbara A. Wilson

RRP : £19.99
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This book offers a personal insight into the experience of Alex Jelly, a professional fundraiser who developed a rare brain tumour, a papillary meningioma, which was successfully removed. She was left with Supplementary Motor Area Syndrome and associated problems including motor and speech impairments and a temporary psychosis. Discussing Alex's struggles and triumphs throughout her rehabilitation, this book offers an honest account of her journey from diagnosis to recovery.

Part I introduces Alex's early life and employment, symptom onset and diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. Part II presents her neurosurgeon, Adel Helmy, and a clinical neuropsychologist, Barbara A. Wilson. Adel provides a medical context by explaining Alex's successful surgery and her post-operative experience. Finally, Barbara concludes with a comprehensive view of Alex's recovery and gives a voice to the therapists and psychologists who worked with Alex throughout her in and outpatient rehabilitation journey.

This book provides support, understanding and hope for patients who have suffered a brain tumour, and their families. It is valuable reading for any professional involved in neurorehabilitation, studemts of clinical neuropsychology and those touched by brain injury.

About the Author(s)

Barbara A. Wilson has worked in brain injury rehabilitation for 42 years. She founded the Oliver Zangwill Centre and the journal Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. She has won many awards including an OBE for services to rehabilitation.

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