Culture and Psychoanalysis Books

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Radical Hope: Ethics in the Face of Cultural Devastation

Radical Hope: Ethics in the Face of Cultural Devastation

by Jonathan Lear

  • Paperback £21.95

Shortly before he died, Plenty Coups, the last great Chief of the Crow Nation, told his story - up to a certain point. "When the buffalo went away the hearts of my people fell to the ground," he... (more)

Identity in Question

Identity in Question

by Anthony Elliott, Paul Du Gay

  • Paperback £37.99

Whilst undoubtedly one of the most controversial but also most established issues in research and debate within the contemporary social and human sciences, as well as in cultural studies, work on... (more)

The Psychology of Physical Attraction

The Psychology of Physical Attraction

by Viren Swami, Adrian Furnham

  • Print £32.99

People have long been interested in the complexities of human beauty, but until recently the science of attractiveness was largely left to poets, playwrights, philosophers, and artists. This book... (more)



by Slavoj Zizek

  • Paperback £9.99

The premise of Zizek's theory is that the subjective violence we see - violence with a clear identifiable agent - is only the tip of an iceberg made up of systemic violence, which is essentially the... (more)

Dreaming in the World's Religions: A Comparative History

Dreaming in the World's Religions: A Comparative History

by Kelly Bulkeley

  • Paperback £25.99

An authoritative and engaging one-volume resource for the study of dreaming and religion. It tells the story of how dreaming has shaped the religious history of humankind, from the Upanishads of... (more)

Desire of the Analysts: Psychoanalysis and Cultural Criticism

Desire of the Analysts: Psychoanalysis and Cultural Criticism

Edited by Greg Forter, Paul A. Miller

  • Print £24.05

Why do we continue to desire psychoanalysis? What can this desire contribute to a vital cultural criticism? In "Desire of the Analysts", these and other questions are addressed by leading... (more)

Awakening Our Faith in the Future: The Advent of Psychological Liberalism

Awakening Our Faith in the Future: The Advent of Psychological Liberalism

by Peter T. Dunlap

  • Print £39.99

This book investigates the avenues for creating a new branch of psychology, a transformative political psychology. In the past, political psychology has focused directly on analysis and knowledge... (more)

Sitegeist - Number 2 (Spring 2009) - A Journal of Psychoanalysis and Philosophy

Sitegeist - Number 2 (Spring 2009) - A Journal of Psychoanalysis and Philosophy

Edited by Kirsty Hall, Stephen Gee

  • Paperback £18.99

Sitegeist is a space for thinking and questioning philosophy and psychoanalysis; it aims at a change in Geist - spirit, mind, intellect, wit, genius and morale. It seeks to contribute to a renewal of... (more)

Healing with Death Imagery

Healing with Death Imagery

by Anees Ahmad Sheikh, Katharina S. Sheikh

  • Print £99.99

Sages of various traditions and ages have reiterated that we must incorporate the inevitability of death into the fabric of life to experience life's breadth and beauty. Imagery is an important tool... (more)

Towards Reading Freud: Self-creation in Milton, Wordsworth, Emerson, and Sigmund Freud

Towards Reading Freud: Self-creation in Milton, Wordsworth, Emerson, and Sigmund Freud

by Mark Edmundson

  • Print £23.00

When most critics were using Freudian theories to study literature, Mark Edmundson read Freud's writings as literature - alongside the works of poets grappling with the heady issues of desire,... (more)

Masculine Jealousy and Contemporary Cinema

Masculine Jealousy and Contemporary Cinema

by Candida Yates

  • Hardback £76.00

Provides new insights into the relationship between masculinity and jealousy through the study of representations of male jealousy in contemporary Hollywood cinema. It argues that male jealousy has... (more)

Freudian Passions: Psychoanalysis, Form and Literature

Freudian Passions: Psychoanalysis, Form and Literature

by Jan Campbell

  • Paperback £32.99

Freud's thinking about the unconscious has always been seen to be more about representations than affects. When it came to the passions of the transference and the demands of his hysterical patients,... (more)

Shame and Sexuality: Psychoanalysis and Visual Culture

Shame and Sexuality: Psychoanalysis and Visual Culture

Edited by Claire Pajaczkowska, Ivan Ward

  • Paperback £35.99

Why do human beings feel shame? What is the cultural dimension of shame and sexuality? Can theory understand the power of affect? How is psychoanalysis integral to cultural theory? The experience of... (more)

Romantic Psychoanalysis: The Burden of the Mystery

Romantic Psychoanalysis: The Burden of the Mystery

by Joel Faflak

  • Print £69.35

In this provocative work, Joel Faflak argues that Romanticism, particularly British Romantic poetry, invents psychoanalysis in advance of Freud. The Romantic period has long been treated as a time of... (more)

Life and Art: The Creative Synthesis in Literature

Life and Art: The Creative Synthesis in Literature

by James W. Hamilton

  • Paperback £38.99

In this volume an inquiry into the nature of the creative process is attempted by paying close attention to the lives of various artists, poets, novelists and playwrights, and selected works of each... (more)

Literature and Therapy: A Systemic View

Literature and Therapy: A Systemic View

by Liz Burns

  • Paperback £35.99

Literature and Therapy: A Systemic View is an invitation to the world of literature, drawing us into the creative and imaginative spaces which lie between readers and their choice of novels, plays... (more)

Risking Human Security: Attachment and Public Life

Risking Human Security: Attachment and Public Life

Edited by Marci Green

  • Paperback £32.99
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Most research in the field of attachment is on the experiences of attachment, separation and loss, and their developmental course and effects. This book widens our vision to the public domain, to... (more)

Irmgard's Flute: A Memoir: A True Story of an Impossible Love

Irmgard's Flute: A Memoir: A True Story of an Impossible Love

by Bernard W. Bail

  • Hardback £38.00

In March 1945, American Lieutenant Bernard Bail was shot down on his twenty-fifth flying mission over Germany. Seriously wounded and taken as a prisoner of war, Lt. Bail was brought to a hospital... (more)

Derrida, Deleuze, Psychoanalysis

Derrida, Deleuze, Psychoanalysis

Edited by Gabriele Schwab

  • Print £25.00

These eight probing essays explore the critical relationship between psychoanalysis and the work of Derrida ("Speech and Phenomena", "Of Grammatology", and his later writing on autoimmunity, cruelty,... (more)

Erik Erikson and the American Psyche: Ego, Ethics and Evolution

Erik Erikson and the American Psyche: Ego, Ethics and Evolution

by Daniel Burston

  • Paperback £44.00

Erik Erikson and the American Psyche is an intellectual biography which explores Erikson's contributions to the study of infancy, childhood and ethical development in light of ego psychology,... (more)

Dreams, 1900-2000: Science, Art and the Unconscious Mind

Dreams, 1900-2000: Science, Art and the Unconscious Mind

Edited by Lynn Gamwell

  • Hardback £80.00

When Sigmund Freud published "The Interpretation of Dreams" in 1900, he began the modern study of a phenomenon that has fascinated human beings for thousands of years. At the same time he opened a... (more)

Freud and the Media: The Reception of Psychoanalysis in Viennese Medical Journals 1895 - 1938 (Hardback)

Freud and the Media: The Reception of Psychoanalysis in Viennese Medical Journals 1895 - 1938 (Hardback)

by Sylvia Zwettler-Otte

  • Paperback £28.30

This book presents the results of a research project on the early reception of analysis in two influential Viennese medical weeklies, the Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift and the Wiener Klinische... (more)

Freud and Tragedy

Freud and Tragedy

by Heinz Politzer, Michael (Trans) Mitchell

  • Paperback £24.99

The book examines Sigmund Freud's life and work, and sees tragedy as a concept of central importance in both. Politzer shows how for Freud the tragic experience - later formulated as the Oedipus... (more)

Freud's Art: Psychoanalysis Retold

Freud's Art: Psychoanalysis Retold

by Janet Sayers

  • Paperback £39.99

In Freud's Art: Psychoanalysis Retold, Janet Sayers provides a refreshingly new introduction to psychoanalysis by retelling its story through art. She does this by bringing together experts from the... (more)

The Mark of Shame: Stigma of Mental Illness and an Agenda for Change

The Mark of Shame: Stigma of Mental Illness and an Agenda for Change

Edited by Stephen P. Hinshaw

  • Hardback £79.00

Stigmatization of mental disorder erodes personal well-being, family relations, economic productivity, and public health. Because stigma promotes shame and silence, mental illness is seldom discussed... (more)

Shakespeare on the Couch

Shakespeare on the Couch

by Michael Jacobs

  • Paperback £24.99

Drawing upon a vast literature in psychoanalytic journals and either upon Shakespeare's characters themselves or alluding to those characters in the course of other topics, this book discusses eight... (more)

Dialogue and Desire: Mikhail Bakhtin and the Linguistic Turn in Psychotherapy

Dialogue and Desire: Mikhail Bakhtin and the Linguistic Turn in Psychotherapy

by Rachel Pollard

  • Paperback £32.99

Mikhail Bakhtin, the Russian philosopher and cultural critic, was one of the pioneers of the 'linguistic turn' in philosophy and is now widely associated with the concept of the dialogical self and... (more)

The Literary Freud

The Literary Freud

by Perry Meisel

  • Print £34.99

In this book, Perry Meisel argues that Freud's texts are properly literary, and casts Freud as both literary theoretician and practitioner. Here, after an introductory reception history of Freud as... (more)

The Female Trickster: The Mask That Reveals Post-Jungian and Postmodern Psychological Perspectives on Women in Contemporary Culture

The Female Trickster: The Mask That Reveals Post-Jungian and Postmodern Psychological Perspectives on Women in Contemporary Culture

by Ricki S. Tannen

  • Paperback £42.99

"The Female Trickster" presents a Post-Jungian postmodern perspective regarding the role of women in contemporary Western society by investigating the re-emergence of female trickster energy in all... (more)

Culture and the Unconscious

Culture and the Unconscious

Edited by Caroline Bainbridge, Michael Rustin

  • Hardback £89.99

Since Freud, psychoanalysis has always concerned itself with questions of art, creativity, politics, and war. This collection of essays from leading writers on psychoanalysis explores questions of... (more)

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